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  1. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    Thank you! I think I'm going to give it a try.
  2. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    So, I'm pretty much just waiting to find some rock at a good price. I have sand and rodi filter comming tomorrow so I'll start making some water when I get home from work. I stumbled upon this wave maker, Jebao RW-8 Series Wavemaker with Controller. Has anyone used them or heard much? Videos on...
  3. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    Perhaps I'd do 3 of the cardinals. Just read odd groups?
  4. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    So, where is everyone getting their dry rock from?I was going to purchase 35 lbs of just dry rock and get 5lbs of live rock from my lfs. Also I have a quick stock list; (1)Royal Gramma (2)Snowflake clowns (1)goby/shrimp pair (2)Banggai cardinals Please feel free to give advice on the stock...
  5. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    I got everything mocked up. It's not where I want it but the furnace air return is in the way where I originally was going to place this aquarium. Everything fit up good! Just have to 90 the overflow piping and glue in one more baffle that I noticed was mia on the overflow side. Now, there is a...
  6. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    So for $125 I picked up another 40 Breeder drilled with an overflow and return along with a 20 gallon long dyi sump with the plumbing and a nice little pump. Guy had it up and running for two years but had to downsize when he moved. I'm really glad I stopped into my lfs to get some info on sizing.
  7. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    So this is the stuff I have in my cart. I figured I will try to dyi the sump with a aquarium I have in basement (20 long). I have two return pumps in the cart and don't know which one is better. Did I over do the overflow too?
  8. RedNeck

    40B Tank Build

    Hi all. I am looking to get my 40b going again and my wife really wants sw. I did it before but very half arsed. I would like to do an overflow with a sump this time. I was going to go with a mp10 for in tank flow along with the return. Last time I had a hob do I size a overflow...
  9. RedNeck

    First time sump

    Hi all. I am debating on either adding 2 aq110's to my 90 gal Oscar tank along to replace my penguin 200s and work along side my aquatop500 OR going to a Sump. If I go to the sump I have no idea where to start. Help please!
  10. RedNeck

    90 gallon Oscar

    Here are some recent photos :)
  11. RedNeck

    90 gallon Oscar

    Hello all! It's been a while since I have signed on but my tank has been doing very well. The Oscar and Acara are co-existing well (mostly cause the acara hides) and so is the Plecostomus. The plecostomus is so messy though I am thinking about selling him off and maybe added a few silver...
  12. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    Thank you!
  13. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    Just a updated photo of my fast growing not so little anymore guy!
  14. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    Thanks! Ever since my first nitrate issue I've had 0 problems keeping levels in fact the twice a week is probably overkill but I have the time right now so why not?! I figured he will grow healthy and strong that way :)
  15. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    I can't believe how fast my little guy is growing! I mean I can seen as he gets fed well and gets a 50% pwc twice a week, BUT pretty soon he will be all grown up and all I'll have to remeber my little 4" O by will be pictures! He can be snotty with the 6" Pleco and 3" acara but the acara is fast...
  16. RedNeck

    Low Maintance 20 long

    Sooooo, I think Monday I'm going with my sister in law to get everything she needs for her sons 20 long. I'm going to suggest sand substrate. She wants a Betta so I'm going to go with a sponge filter and then suggest a schoal of neons a some panda or pygmy corys. If she needs somthing else I was...
  17. RedNeck

    For Sale: Maxspect Razor R420R 160w 16k LED

    I have a lightly used maxspect razor for sale. I quickly fell out of saltwater and need to sell this LED lamp quickly so I can get more fresh water stuff. I am looking for $350 or BO. Please let me know if you interested. Thanks!
  18. RedNeck

    New Planted 40 Breeder

    So all I know for sure is its a 16k 160w led fixture......besides reef because I am not doing salt water again......what could I plant for fresh water?
  19. RedNeck

    New Planted 40 Breeder

    I'm not sure on the colors....I'd have to Google search it. As far as the 16000k I think there is a knob on the side to "cool" it down. Sorry this light is back at my parents and I'm not there.
  20. RedNeck

    New Planted 40 Breeder

    Howdy all. I am in the process of taking down my old saltwater 40b and am going to look into doing a planted tank. I got a really nice light for the coral I use to keep and was wondering if it would work for plants? I was leaning towards black sand, black out back, a good canister filter and...
  21. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    I have a question in feeding my O. Right now I feed my tank Hikari Cichlid Gold......medium floating for the O and mini sinkers for the acara. I would like to add a treat for the O in the way of Krill, blood worms or beef heart. What does everyone use? I seen Krill in a container with the...
  22. RedNeck

    Water change questions

    1.) I just fire up my filters after filling the tank. 2.) Yes, dose for entire tank volume....not the amount you changed. 3.) Yes, but if I do an aggresive vac I only go one side at a time. I'll lightly go over the whole tank. 4.) Yes. Just swish in a bucket of tank water. (Usually I'll do my...
  23. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    Well I must's nice to finally have the tank to a science. These results ought to lead to a big happy and healthy Oscar :D
  24. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    Ok. My trites are holding at 0. My trates are about the same maybe slightly higher then Sunday which would be expected (my last pwc). My fish seem to be happy.....swimming all about, looking healthy and the O is begging for food as usual. I'll be honest.....after my tank cycled I NEVER tested my...
  25. RedNeck

    New SA/CA Tank

    Hmmmm.....I'm growing irritated here but maybe somehow I lost my cycle? I just took these test found attached.OR maybe I'm going color blind but I doubt that. The ammonia looks to be around.25 or .50 :banghead:
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