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  1. pugmom

    platy proliferation - a stocking question

    good gravy! compared to my danios and tetras they seem like super poopers! Maybe the black sand make it more noticible?
  2. pugmom

    platy proliferation - a stocking question

    ok -this is basically a stocking question, because I don't necessarly trust aqadvisor..... 29 gallon tank - set up since summer. 3 zebra danio (1 is a glofish) 5 neon tetras and 9 platies. all but one were born in the tank. lost 2 of the original 3 a few weeks ago.... one Laaaarrrrrge one...
  3. pugmom

    Lost a Cory today :o(

    No advice tt, but I am sorry you lost your cory :(
  4. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    hey! just got back from vacation. everyone looks pretty good. one neon looks a little raggedy for lack of a better work. fins a little frayed (have been for at least a week) and maybe some little bumps around mouth? Congrats on getting your new tank set up! I need to get my 10 gal qt set...
  5. pugmom

    setting up qt tank tetra filter media question

    thanks! I have been meaning to get some of the polyfil so I can shove some in there too....
  6. pugmom

    setting up qt tank tetra filter media question

    Hi all! I picked up a 10 gallon tank of craigslist to set up as a QT. It comes with a tetra whisper ex20 craptacular filter and no media. Is there any reason I can't use whatever I want in there as media (I currently use a aquaclear 50 on my DT and it looks like I could put that stuff in...
  7. pugmom

    Water temp question, ich related

    I agree with the second thermometer. I have a stick on and one of the cheap rocket shaped ones just as a double check. What is your tank size and wattage of heater? Do you think you might be at the upper limit of what your heater can do?
  8. pugmom

    Upping danio school/quarantine question

    Hi all, added danios and neon tetras (tank empty before) to my 29g main tank a few weeks ago and lost some off the bat due to ich/possibly something else. I am down to 5 neons and 2 zebra danios/1 glofish. The danios/glofish are not bothering the neons at all, but I am guessing I should up...
  9. pugmom

    Upsizing stock from nano to 29 gal

    oh fun! I personally am going to try platys next, but I am sure they are not everyone's taste. I love the neons so I think it would be cool to have just a bunch of those... I have sand and like it. It may be hard to section it off though. You would probably have to be extra careful with...
  10. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    just above an eye - I think it may just be a reflection off a scale. hope so, time will tell....
  11. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    thanks to you both. things seem to be doing ok. I keep thinking I am seeing a spot on a tetra, but I don't think it is ich.... tetras still seem iffy, but time will tell I guess.....
  12. pugmom

    confused about my betta? help

    That is really neat! Learned something new today!
  13. pugmom

    Fishless to fish-in (Neon Tetras, HELP!!)

    yay corys! I so want to get some but I am trying to be patient.....
  14. pugmom

    Fishless to fish-in (Neon Tetras, HELP!!)

    that sounds great! I will be going out of town soon and am nervous about my fish for sure! I want to see cory pics. I am so looking forward to eventually getting some!!
  15. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    thanks for asking TT! Still hanging in there. Haven't lost any more fish - yay. My glofish still looks touchy sometimes (hanging at the bottom) but seems like a resilient little guy. Neons actually looked pretty good the last couple days. Been almost a week since I saw the last spot. I...
  16. pugmom

    Fishless to fish-in (Neon Tetras, HELP!!)

    I see you :) Not sure on the pwc amount if you are lightly stocked 25% is probably the high end, but I don't think it will hurt to overkill! I don't know how accurate aq advisor is for it, but if you put in your stock it gives a water change estimate.... can't wait to see your corys!
  17. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    thanks, I am just sad that it was supposed to be fun for the kids (esp my 7 year old) but it hasn't been :( we were both so excited and I felt pretty confident going into this :(
  18. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    ok still at 86 - have been over a week and still one white spot on a neon :( I am slowly adding more salt, but they heat really should be taking care of it no? The glofish that was laying at the bottom looks pretty good. One neon is looking a little iffy (with the spot, not eating well....)
  19. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    tablespoons? I don't even have 2 teaspoons per gallon. With temp at 86 I was hoping the spots would be gone by now, but still there this am :( tt - good thought but I don't have blacklights. I do have an led fixture, so I guess that isn't giving out enough... Should I up the temp more in...
  20. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    I couldn't really tell from the video what dosage you used? I am about 1 tsp per gallon right now. I know I should probably add more since my ich isn't moving, but my glofish looked bad after my last dose.... temp is at 86....
  21. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    thank you, I have a volcano bubbler thing and I dropped the water level down to get more surface agitation. I am going to look for the video - thank you.... Day 7 and I still see white spots.
  22. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    :( my last glofish is now laying on the bottom of the tank! I am so confused on the glofish deaths. They never showed ich spots. Just tested water (again!) amm = 0 nitrites = 0 nitrates = 5 what else can i do here? I dumped in some prime, even though I have no idea why. just to feel like...
  23. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    ack! the ich definitely looks worse today!! I knew it was supposed to get worse before better, but 5 days in?? I may add more salt - I just have the dosage on the carton (1 rounded tbs/5 gallons) but I think for ich the dosage is higher? Temp still is at 86.....
  24. pugmom

    Goldfish as a an uncycled tank!

    I don't get why people buy animals as gifts - sigh. good for you for doing your research! I agree with moving as soon as possible, any waste is going to be much more concentrated in the smaller bowl for sure.
  25. pugmom

    only ich or something else? (newly cycled tank)

    thanks to you both for your support - I really appreciate it. I thought I was so prepared after fishless cycling. Now when I test my water I almost hope there is ammonia or nitrite, because then I would know what to do to fix it :( my bottom dwelling neon's red stripe is paling a bit, but he...
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