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  1. P

    NJ Reefers Club Frag Swap & Symposium

    New Jersey Reefers Club is throwing an all out Frag Swap & Symposium. We're flying 3 speakers in from around the country, we've got 18 regional vendors, and local area Fraggers as vendors for the swap. We've gotten some excellent donations thus far with far more on their way. The raffles should...
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    The time-space continuum

    Whoah. I just posted on Tuesday June 5th and freaked myself out (considering I'm pretty sure it is Sunday June 3)! Server clock gone haywire? Or Time-Space Continuum glitch?
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    Growth Sequences, et al...

    I've just recently dug up the before pictures to a couple of afters I've taken lately and thought I'd post them. We've recently brought a Ca reactor online and have found that the change in the corals has been amazing as a result. Most of the growth seen here is really since November of this...
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    NJRC Workshop 2/19/2005 Build a Calcium Reactor

    NJRC is building Ca reactors at the February meeting. The meeting will be held in Bordontown, NJ from 1-5. Anyone interested in attending or building their own reactor should post here:,765.0.html We're ordering the materials in advance so anyone...
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    Instant Attraction!

    I have a very large well established Female GSM. We've had her for the better part of 6 months now and she was probably 3 when we got her from a local reefer. In her early days in our tank she stirred the sand on a continual and annoying basis. Luckily for us the introduction of a GSM quelled...
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    NJ Reefers Club September meeting 9/25/05 (Browns Mills)

    The New Jersey Reefers Club is having the September meeting on the 25th at the home of "The Goni Experiment", JENnKerry (Browns Mills). They have opened their home to us and there will be a great many frags available for raffle as well as some members only raffles. Our meetings are open to the...
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    Best Filter?

    I'm looking for the best filter with the easiest maintenance available. This is for my grandmother's house (she moved into a house with a pond) so I want it to be something that's very easy to maintain. I'm looking at an Ultima II 1000. Any comments? We had a pond at our last house and we used...
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    Melafix ?

    Is there any reason why I couldn't put Melafix in a tank with an eel? He's not the problem child, but I didn't want to harm one occupant curing another... Is there something better than melafix? He's already getting garlic and selcon. He still needs some help. Thanks!
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    Can't keep my alk up!

    I can't seem to keep my alk up in target range. It falls about 2 (13/11/9...) per day... My mag was 1100'ish and I've taken steps to move it closer to 1350 (1200 now). My Ca is staying very stable and not falling nearly as fast. Maybe dropping 5 per day (410/405...). What is going on here? What...
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    Roasted? Toasted? Dried?

    Are these all the same? I went to buy Nori in the oriental grocer and the choices threw me for a loop. There was only one package marked "dried" most of the others were roasted with an ocassional toasted thrown in. I've been buying the selects but I've finally caved in and hit the oriental...
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    Cleaning GHA off of corals?

    I have a struggling coral that ended up with some GHA on it (long story involving a new prop tank; no detectable nutrients, RO/DI being used, no feeding). I'm assuming that the GHA will burn itself out in time, but until it does is there something I can use to get the GHA off of this struggling...
  12. P

    New Jersey Reefers Club Meeting 7/31/05

    The NJRC is having its monthly meeting in North Jersey (Hapatcong/Stanhope) this month on July 31. Visit for more info on Erik's tanks. PM me for directions to the meeting. The meeting is open to anyone who wants to attend, you don't need to be a member to attend.
  13. P

    What a crazy long month it's been!

    Wow. Feels like forever since I've been able to stop by. Things have been very crazy over the last month or so. I was voted President of the New Jersey Reefers Club about that long ago and things have been non-stop ever since. We're working hard at getting the club established as an official...
  14. P

    Clownfish: Sex determination

    When does a male become female? In February I took the F from a tank and put her in my 120. Then a couple of weeks ago I took the "M" in. I'd like to put the F back in with her mate... except that I have no way of knowing how to know if the M is still a M? Will the lack of F cause a M to turn F...
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    My new baby!

    Here's a picture of my new baby! He's coming with the male from the mated pair of maroons that I took the female from. I'm going to move her into my 30 with the eel and the male. I go to pick them up tomorrow night. I'm just hoping that the male hasn't gone through his change yet!
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    Red Leg Hermit Q

    How exactly do red leg hermits ... um ... reproduce? The other day I had 2 of them on a rock. One of them was just about out of his shell, on top of the other. Not in an agressive, I want your shell sort of way... more of a I want to cuddle with you type look. It was strange looking to say the...
  17. P

    Speaking of algae

    How often are you cleaning your glass? I used to be able to go almost a week and now I'm getting a light brown film (in spots) in a matter of a day, two tops. I liked it better when it stayed clean longer. The algae seems diatom'ish in nature. Not slimey at all. Very dusty and blows away with...
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    What was that?! Anyone?

    All guesses welcome. Sorry, I have no pictures of this creature. It was stuck to the glass about 1/4 of the way from the top of the tank. It was gray'ish/black in color with what looked like might be spines on it (fur?). The body of the critter was about the size and dimension of my thumb with...
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    "False Alarm" and a *big* sigh of relief

    My 8w QT beautiful purple tang, cured of ich with hypo, kept at proper salinity for a week extra before transfer, finally rejoined my main (that has never had a documented case of ich) about 2 weeks ago. Two lovely weeks go by and I'm thinking we're finally free of that dastardly parasite...
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    The Trials and Tribulations of a gBTA

    Last night I looked under and through my rocks to the back of my tank where my gBTA has chosen to take up residency. Oh no. It doesn't look good. Look through the bottom glass by contorting my head over my protien skimmer until I'm about to pass out. Confirmation. It really really doesn't look...
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    THE coolest calculator I've ever seen

    This is so cool. It is a stocking calculator that takes more than just adult fish inches per gallon into consideration (bioload, body mass, etc). It seems to take so many factors into consideration and gives advice based on...
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    Cyclop-eze... how much? how often?

    Cyclop-eze looks so tiny you wouldn't think it could foul water... DUH! Of course it can. I was just surprised by how fast it happens. I was feeding my new anthias a couple scrapings of cyclop-eze a day with some mysis and MAN did it foul my water fast. I've stopped using it all together until I...
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    Go vote in this poll

    That is a really interesting poll. It would be great if everyone would go vote!
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    Protien Skimmer & Alk: Strange Relationship

    My protien skimmer wasn't working for a while and I couldn't figure out why. In completely unrelated events I tested my alk and noticed it to be a little (lot) low. Upon bumping it back up to acceptable range my skimmer started producing again. What is THAT all about?! Anyone know the...
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    Leather eating Limpet!

    Raza-frata-flippin-thinga-majig limpet skinned a nice sized hunk out of my favorite leather! Yowza! He's appeared to have been a model citizen in my tank since November when I got my LR. Last night I saw him ravaging around by the leather and thought 'how cool. I can see you really well from...
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