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    My electric bill has dramatically increased

    We now have 2 55 gallon tanks and we see a difference in our electric bill. Have 2 Cascade filters does that use up a lot of juice? Would it make more sense to buy a different filter? If so what brand? And does people buy lightly used aquarium filters? Need your help do not want to get rid of...

    Tempature gage broke

    I attached a picture the temperature gage broke some of the inside beads leaked inside the tank, is there mercury in this? Can this kill my fish?? Please advise if I need to move my fishes into my other tank. Thanks for your help.

    My 55 Gallon Tank is taking too long to cycle

    I'm doing a fishless cycle on our new 55 gallon tank with new Cascade filter, heater, power pump and gravel. It's going now 2 months. We have it upstairs in our bed room by our window. It took too long to get the ammonia levels to rise at first. We used the ammonia from ACE hardware. Then 3...

    Need "HELP" My fish is sick

    So we decided to buy a small tank 10 gallons and bought some freshwater Puffer fish. So far we have three, and one of them had a crooked front tooth and this morning I noticed it was no longer there. He ate blood warms this morning with no problem but he's not wanting to swim around. He staying...

    Parrot cichild black spots on fin

    Yesterday morning I noticed my Parrot cichlid had black spots on his fin, I attached a picture can anyone tell me what this is? What do I need to do? I did a 50% water change last night, I just checked water levels all levels are zero. Please help thanks.

    Does raw tuna create Nitates inside the tank?

    I found out the hard way that raw shrimp spiked up the Nitrates and I have done six 90% water changes in my 30 gallon tank and the reading still show low levels of Nitrates & Nitrites. I want to feed my two cichlids Albino Oscar & tiger Oscar some raw fish once a week, does Raw Tuna harm the...

    Feed Tiger Fish Raw

    I need help I was told that Tiger Fish should be feed raw shrimp, the problem is my water levels are sky high. I did TWO water changes today early morning at 7am and again at 2pm and they are still high Ammonia 2.0, Nitrite .35ppm, Nitrate 15ppm. Can I do another water change tomorrow? And how...

    Feeding Tiger Fish Raw Shrimp

    I need help I was told that Tiger Fish should be feed raw shrimp, the problem is my water levels are sky high. I did TWO water changes today early morning at 7am and again at 2pm and they are still high Ammonia 2.0, Nitrite .35ppm, Nitrate 15ppm. Can I do another water change tomorrow? And how...

    Tail Rot- Update and What I did to save my fish

    I'd like to share with you all what I did to save my Albino Oscar fish. First of all and most important it was YOU my friends who helped me initally on taking immediate actions. My Oscar had tail and fin rot I noticed one morning and quickly spread throught his body. I bought a new tuperware...

    Urgent need help with my Albino Oscar

    I noticed that my fishs tail was breaking off so I looked on line and saw that he had tail rot I immediately did a 40% water change in my 29 gallon tank I have 3 other fish his size (4 inches long), I decided to go to the fish store and the owner told me to use Mardel I took out the carbon so...

    My Albino Tiger Fish

    I just noticed my Albino Tiger fish looks sick and it looks like his fins are breaking apart. What is going on can I reverse this?

    New 55 Gallon Tank- Heater & Filter Question

    HI All, I just purchased a 55 gallon tank, I currently have a 29 gallon tank with 5 Cichild fish (4 of them are about 4 1/2 inch long)and I am upgrading to this new tank. I need to cycle this one however before I begin the process, can you advise how many filters this tank should have I also...

    My new fish

    I'm still new in being a fish owner. I has two other tiger fish & another cichlids fish. They are healthy & happy. This morning my levels of ammonia were zero and the nitrate & nitrate are also at zero. Did couple of water changes last month due to nitrate levels a bit high. Well today I bought...

    New fish problem

    Hi all I'm still new in being a fish owner. I has two other tiger fish & another cichlids fish. They are healthy & happy. This morning my levels of ammonia were zero and the nitrate & nitrate are also at zero. Did couple of water changes last month due to nitrate levels a bit high. Well today...

    Bully of the Tank

    Just the last couple of days one of our fish decided he wanted to bully the other fish in the tank, I can see the stress increasing and he's not allowing the other fish to swim freely in the tank. We have a 29 gallon tank total of 5 fish all cichlids type fish. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of...

    I think our fish is sick

    When we first brought our fish home back in November he was very sociable now he hides inside the ship, he chases anyone who comes close to his ship. What worries me is that he's not eating with the rest of our fish for sometime now. Unfortunately I'm not home right now to look at my water test...

    Change out Filter

    My filter is very dirty however I'm afraid to change it out, since filter carry's good bacteria any suggestions?

    Bottom Feeders

    Hi All, Well I feel lucky to have found you after weeks of not knowing why my fish were dying and no fish store were helpful I found out about Cycling through your forum, it was successful and now we have happy semi agreesive fishies! Now my question to you is bottom feeders, we purchased...

    Please Help!! My Fish Keep Dying!!

    I bought a new 29gallon kit with everything you need to start a new tank a month ago. I ran the tank for a week had all levels tested and then bought two fish they died. Next i was told to add nutrafin cycle,tetra aquasafeplus and aquarium salt and let the tank run for a week so I did had water...
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