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  1. YaBuddyHuddie

    Cherry barb tank size question?

    Why does say cherry barbs need a 30 gallon minimum? I bought some today for my fluval edge 6. All around adult size. They seem to fit comfortably and they don't seem to require as much swim room as tetras or other similar size fish. Also I have all males so fry isn't a worry...
  2. YaBuddyHuddie

    6 gallon Fluval edge - Need ideas/inspiration!

    Hey everyone! It's been so long since I've been on here. I actually got out of the hobby for a bit but I couldn't stay away. So tomorrow I'm buying a 6 gallon fluval edge from a guy. I just wanted to see what everyone thought about stocking options, aquascaping, plant variety, etc. I'm open to...
  3. YaBuddyHuddie

    Need some inspiration.

    I have 3 spare tanks. A 1 gallon basic acrylic, an 8 gallon cube, and a standard 10 gallon. I'd like to set one up, I just need ideas. I'm open to EVERYTHING that anyone can come up with. Let's hear it.
  4. YaBuddyHuddie

    Just ordered broad leaf anubias barteri...

    What should I expect? What are it's requirements? Probably should've asked this before I ordered it lol but better late than never I guess.
  5. YaBuddyHuddie

    Emergency electricity appliance?

    I live in West Virginia and our weather is persistently unpredictable. We receive snow in large masses periodically over the winter season. Occasionally, these storms will be bad enough to put my house out of power. Like everyone else, I have a lot of my hard-earned money invested in my tank. In...
  6. YaBuddyHuddie

    Do I own one of the rare peaceful bettas?

    Alright so my girlfriend's grandmother bought me a betta fish for Christmas. She had it in a bowl when she gave it to me. Clearly, that isn't a suitable home. I have a 29 gallon planted with a swordtail, female black Molly, male guppy, 10 neon tetras, and a colony of cherry shrimp. Not to...
  7. YaBuddyHuddie

    Alright guys, really need some opinions

    I have posted more times about this than should probably be allowed, lol. But my stock has changed many times. I really need some opinions on how I should finish stocking this tank. It's a 29 gallon planted. I currently have only one TopFin 30 filter but I'll be adding a TopFin 40 to run as a...
  8. YaBuddyHuddie

    Cherry shrimp bioload?

    Does anyone count cherry shrimp into their bioload? Or stocking level? I completely disregard mine in both terms. Am I making a mistake?
  9. YaBuddyHuddie

    Acclimating Cardinal Tetras

    I'm going to be getting 8-10 of these for my 29g planted community hopefully sometime this week. I know they are supposed to be fragile and hard to keep alive. What are their ideal params? My test kit is depleted so until then I don't know what my params are but I'm doing 20-30% water changes...
  10. YaBuddyHuddie

    Need suggestions for my 29.

    Well guys I have posted about this tank many times. I plan on adding some anubias and a red tiger lotus as of right now. Current inhabitants are 1 male swordtail, 1 female black Molly, 5 albino cories, 1 male guppy, a bunch of cherry shrimp. I'm interested in hearing some suggestions on what...
  11. YaBuddyHuddie

    8 gallon aqueon evolve!

    Pretty sure my gf is getting me one for Christmas. I was thinking about saltwater but I wanted to see if anyone had any freshwater suggestion. So, let's hear it guys. I'm open to any and all inputs.
  12. YaBuddyHuddie

    Red tiger lotus?

    I have a 29g with a standard 18w fluorescent strip. Dose excel daily and weekly liquid ferts. I will be planting in Flourite capped with play sand. Would I even be able to keep a red tiger lotus?
  13. YaBuddyHuddie

    Let's debate: small tanks!

    This is going to be a friendly debate. There are going to be no arguments. Please people, lets not me immature. Alright. So I had to temporarily re home my endler's livebearers about two weeks ago. The only real estate available was my 1 gallon tank that I had a long time ago. There are 4...
  14. YaBuddyHuddie

    Cardinal Tetras?

    What is a good price for them? Are they really that hard to take care of? How big do they get? What is their bioload? Where should I get them?
  15. YaBuddyHuddie

    Which of these is the best? For the nano reef I'll...
  16. YaBuddyHuddie

    Completely discouraged...

    After a few days of researching, people on the net are making it seem impossible to make a reef tank smaller than 30 gallons. It seems absurd to me. I have never kept saltwater but am very experienced in freshwater. I started off wanting to make a 3-5 gallon pico reef with one small fish and...
  17. YaBuddyHuddie

    Why are my cories doing this?

    When I bought cories, I was under the impression that they were bottoms dwellers. But since I've had mine (1-2 weeks) they've ran around in the tank as much as everyone else, swimming at all levels. I didn't see any of them doing this at the store. I have 3 in a 29g planted and they are about...
  18. YaBuddyHuddie

    What is the best nano aquarium?

    I had my eyes set on a 5 gallon marineland tank, but Idk if it's the best option. What is the best aquarium to start a nano tank with on the market. Anywhere between 1-7 gallons is about all I have room for.
  19. YaBuddyHuddie

    New to saltwater, need lots of help!

    Good chance I'll be getting this tank around Christmas. I've already had tons of freshwater tanks and I'm finally ready to dive into saltwater (I think). I am well aware that it's supposedly the hardest task in the world to keep a nano reef especially as a beginner. But, I'm on a budget. And a...
  20. YaBuddyHuddie

    Smallest tropcial community fish?

    So, anybody wanna give a list of the smallest species?
  21. YaBuddyHuddie

    Endlers being bullies? Help!

    I had one endler's livebearer with my male guppy and he was doing fine. No problems. In a 29 gallon planted. A couple days ago I added 2 more endlers and a cobra hybrid endlers. Ever since, all 4 endlers have been ganging up on my guppy and harassing him. I put the cobra in a breeder net. I felt...
  22. YaBuddyHuddie

    Updated 29g planted, need suggestions

    So as of right now I have: 1 male swordtail 1 male guppy 3 male endlers 1 cobra male endlers 1 female black Molly 4 albino cories Cherry shrimp colony (12+) Not sure what else I'd like to add. I really want to find some anubias or something to tie to the driftwood. As far as fish though I've...
  23. YaBuddyHuddie

    Stocking question?! Please help!

    Okay so I have a 29 gallon planted. I had an albino bristlenose pleco that passed. He was my cleaner upper. It was young though and obviously didn't do much yet. Right now I have 6 gold longfinned zebra danios. I've decided I don't like how active they are, it's just ridiculous. So would it be a...
  24. YaBuddyHuddie

    29 gallon planted feedback? (:

    Flora: Amazon Sword, Water Wisteria, Christmas Moss (currently tied down to driftwood as shown in pics), and an unknown plant. (help?) Fauna: 1 red delta guppy (male), 1 black Molly (female), 2 platies that are going to the LFS Thursday, 6 longfinned gold zebra danios, cherry shrimp colony 12+...
  25. YaBuddyHuddie

    Mollies with guppies?

    Can they coexist in my 29g planted? Just 1 female molly with what will be 2 male guppies. Also have 3 endlers.
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