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  1. Leedowlrods

    Calling Mr X...

    I'm only two years old to the hobby but learnt loads ( in my eyes) I just cleaned my front glass with magnet and went over what I thought was coraline, as soon as I went over it, 'it' swam off the glass and re-attached it's self to the side glass, I guess it is pink from eating coraline but I...
  2. Leedowlrods

    New algae blenny

    How shy is an algae blenny? I introduced this new guy yesterday and haven't seen him since. Two clowns Picasso trigger Purple tang Large carpet nem Coral All under a tight lid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Leedowlrods

    New carpet anemone

    Just bought a green carpet nem yesterday, I acclimated him for 1.5 hrs, he's now in place and doing a poo. However he hasn't rooted his foot as yet, should I just sit it out and wait until he's ready? There's not much else I can do I suppose Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Leedowlrods

    Pom Pom crabs anemone?

    Do you think this could be from 'my now deceased' Pom Pom crab? I came home to find him stuck to the glass at the top Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Leedowlrods

    Haha stupid crab !

    Just thought I'd share this hermit/turbo snail combo, they are 9 inches off the sand bed and the snail looks well cheesed off hehe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Leedowlrods

    Hitch hikers on glass

    I've been trying to ID my 1000 tiny white calcareous hitch hikers on my glass, They are tiny spirals with a duster type fan sticking it to glass
  7. Leedowlrods

    Pompom crab

    Lost a pompon crab this morning, I was just wondering if the anemones will move on and survive/grow bigger ?
  8. Leedowlrods

    Hole in watchman.

    Me home from work to find a hole in the side of my yellow watchman goby, last week his body below the dorsal fin had a white patch, today he has a visible and definite hole into his bladder area, any ideas what's going on ?
  9. Leedowlrods

    Clown problem

    My new common clowns aren't sticking to the rule of thumb. The small one is smashing hell out if the big on... Constantly ! The big one isn't being submissive at all. Both were sold from the same tank. Should I take them back ? I've had them for 4 weeks now
  10. Leedowlrods

    My BT anemone

    Me home to fine my green bubble tip nem doing this today... Not seen it stretch so big before and I've had it nearly twelve months
  11. Leedowlrods

    Pods ID

    An any see/identify these pod on an empty shell? I'm just recovering from a white spot outbreak and hope these blighters are good guys, Sorry for the bad pic.
  12. Leedowlrods


    Upgrading from 10g to 50g, Thinking about using current 10g as a kind if sump, then slowly introduce my inmates to the main tank, need to add more LR to the 50g and don't know how to go about it. Any suggestions/time scales ?
  13. Leedowlrods

    Ive got three now !

    I've now got three of these, I assume they are mojano, should I keep them they aren't really bothering anything
  14. Leedowlrods

    Clown fish problem

    My 10g reef nano is 12 months old, ive had two common clowns for about 10 months. From day 1 they were inseparable she started to grow and he started to be submissive and noticeably smaller, all was well. Then I got my first anemone. She, being dominant dived straight in it and lost all interest...
  15. Leedowlrods

    Two gobys, one pistol

    This morning my lonely randles goby decided to to gate crash the party. Ive had a pistol and hi fin goby pair for 6 months and now the randle goby has made a move into their cave, Has anyone been in these shoes? I don't know what the outcome will be
  16. Leedowlrods


    Is this a nasty thing or can I let it stay, it's been thriving in my system for 8 months and my anemone crab resides in it
  17. Leedowlrods


    I'm going from a 10g to a 240g reef setup Ill be needing more LR and hope to use my current LR. My current LR has coral well attached to it, What would be my best option with cycling new rock with old rock. Do I need both systems running and add rock slowly ?
  18. Leedowlrods

    Cleaner wrasse vanished

    I acclimated a cleaner wrasse thi morning into my reef, 4 hours later he isn't to be seen. I've got 2 clowns 2 goby 2 cleaner shrimp 2 hidden pistols And a sealed hood. Could he be hiding in rocks as its his first day? He looked great and was eating fine after 30 mins drip acclimation
  19. Leedowlrods

    Fish and eggs id

    My friend has three of these fish and one is guarding a parch of eggs on the glass, I don't know the type of fish or whether these eggs belong to it, they may be snail eggs. Can anyone help out?
  20. Leedowlrods

    Leafy red

    Do we know what this red nuisance stuff is? It's got small tight leaves and is thriving in many places in my 50l tank
  21. Leedowlrods

    Tiny turbo

    Is this a turbo snail with a tiny shell? If so, how come?
  22. Leedowlrods

    Orange webbing ?

    I'm house sitting for a friend, his (now dead) euphillia skeleton now has an orange coloured webbing over it. It has exit/entry hole in it. Sorry for bad pic,
  23. Leedowlrods

    What frogspawn is this...

    Thanks in advance
  24. Leedowlrods

    Neon slug

    Just got two of these on fish shop Saturday, Do I need to supplement their food supply ?
  25. Leedowlrods

    Porcelain crab

    My porcelain crab has turned brown, is this the norm?
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