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  1. J

    Aquarium Safety

    Just had a question regarding safety, I use some extension cords with my hookup of my aquarium equipment as alot of people do I'm sure because it's so many different things we have to use, but my question is does anyone feel that the heater should be plugged directly into the outlet or are there...
  2. J

    Clown loaches have ICH

    Ok so just like the title suggests my two clown loaches got ich from a clownloach I ordered online which has died already. My clowns are pretty big and I've had them for quite a few years already, so I surely don't want to lose them. Longstory short I have been treating with aquarium salt and...
  3. J

    Upside down pleco

    Hi I have a 55 gal bow which has tropical fish and 2 plecos one of which is floating upside down but alive. I’ve have them both for about a year now and they seemed to be ok. I’ve a bit puzzled because I’ve never seen a pleco with a swim bladder issue but have a feeling this may be the problem...
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    tank light crap out

    ok so i have a "Marineland" aquarium light on the top of my 55 gal bow and it's just not working anymore and i don't have a clue why. I have it hooked up to a timer but I've tried turning it on manual through the timer and on the light itself and neither works. Anyone have experience with...
  5. J

    Gourami has cut near side fin

    I need some advice, my blue Gourami has a sizable sore on its left side near the gill. It's pinkish like it could've rubbed on a rock or piece of wood when the lights went out but not sure. So I put it in a small hospital tank (2.5 Gal), and added a flat teaspoon of aquarium salt... I'm not sure...
  6. J

    silver dollars bumping and fighting

    Hi all, just noticed a bit of unusual behavior by my 2 biggest silver dollars. They have been getting along fine since I added the 2nd one I got from my friend. They are in a 55 Gal bow with 2 smaller silver dollars and some other smaller semi-aggressives. I was away a couple of days and hadn't...
  7. J

    Red tailed shark issue

    hello all, I believe there may be an issue with my red tailed shark, it doesn't seem to be growing much. I've had he/she for a couple of years since it was a little baby but he/she has only grown a little and not really fattening up like some of the ones I see in other people's aquariums. You...
  8. J

    questionable blue gourami injury

    Hi everyone, quick question and observation hope you can help. My son noticed a small red spot right near the gill of the fish which looks like it can be from where it rubbed on something(possibly when I mistakenly added a Gold gourami and he chased it all over the place until I removed it and...
  9. J

    Gouramis picking on each other??

    Hi all, I have 2 blue gourami that have been tank mates for a little less than a year now, but the bigger one seems to be picking on the smaller one. The larger one chases the smaller one but the smaller one even quips back at the larger one on occasion. So my question is, should I leave them...
  10. J

    Gouramis not eating

    I have 2 Golden brown Gouramis in my 55 Gallon their not that big yet. They are in with 4 silver dollars, 5 Tetras, one krib, 2 bigger blue Gouramis, 4 tiger barbs, 2 kuhli loaches and 1 zebra Danio(I have no idea what happened to the other 4). All my other fish I named are fine and eat very...
  11. J

    Back from the Dead? Holy clown loaches!!!!

    Ok so I picked up a clown Loach about 2 weeks in an attempt to provide some company for my other clown loach but something very strange happened. On the way home I trusted my son to hold the Bag and he dropped it, it wasn't far but from his car seat(he's 5) to the car floor. The Loach seemed a...
  12. J

    Help My son up to his tricks again!!

    As the title says my son was up to his mischief again and put a few small cookies in the 55Gal Planted tank. I suspect it was maybe not too Long before I got home, but even still a couple of the fish may have endulged and appear bloated! When I saw it I immediately scooped them out with a net...
  13. J

    Tiger barbs Gone wild please help!!!!

    Hi everyone I have a big problem... I have two 55 Gals the 1st one I have tiger barbs, silver dollars, zebra Danios, Gouramis, Kuhli loaches, tetras and it works fine as they all Get along. But in my 2nd 55 Gal I have 4 tiger Barbs, a RT shark, 4 Gouramis, pleco, Buenos aires, Emerald cats...
  14. J

    Plants Dying

    Please help I'm new to the planted tank business and only for a couple of years with live plants that aren't floated. Now in my new 55 GaRunning for a couple of months my live plants are starting to Die. I have Buenos Aire Tetras that I think have been eating them but also they are wilting and...
  15. J

    Red tail fail

    Hi guys and Gals, I'm a little confused and annoyed since I have spent quite a bit of $$ and time on RT sharks and haven't been able to keep them for Long. I think my record is 5 weeks. Can anyone please share their experience/advice, expertise on what it takes to keep these fish alive Long...
  16. J

    Just setup new 55 Gal need advice and fish!

    Just set up my 55 Gal and I transferred my existing fish from their old 20 Gal. I have cycled for a week now with the old filter from my 20 Gal and some fast swimming tetras(gray w/red tails not sure what kind), and all seem To be doing just fine. It's 5 Pandas, 2 emerald cats, 4 Tetras I...
  17. J

    Just set up my 55 Gal

    Just set up my 55 Gal and I transferred my existing fish from their old 20 Gal. I have cycled for a week now with the old filter from my 20 Gal and some fast swimming tetras(gray w/red tails not sure what kind), and all seem To be doing just fine. It's 5 Pandas, 2 emerald cats, 4 Tetras I...
  18. J

    Kuhli loach does strange things is it normal??

    Ok long story short, I had 2 kuhli loaches one died and now there's one left in my 55 Gallon that usually never comes out of hiding. But what I have recently noticed is this fish will wedge itself between the side of the tank and the heater. Now I'm not sure if it's cold or what, but the water...
  19. J

    55 gal community questions

    Hello all… I have a 55 Gal aquarium that has been established and running for about 3 months now. It started a bit rough with the loss of a few fish but i got a handle on it quickly. Anyway over the last week I have noticed a few things that have caught my attention and I couldn't answer myself...
  20. J

    Red-tail shark never see it eating

    I have just newly stocked a 55 Gal and there is one RTS that is doing well now and aside from occasionally chasing one or two of the Tiger Barbs it seems fine. The 1st one I stocked had died right away, but not this one since the tank is fully cycled and balanced now. Anyway I just find it...
  21. J

    Stocking 55 Gal again, 3 losses already!! Help

    Ok so I had a 55 Gal setup already with one Pacu in it which I sold. So I overhauled the aquarium and set it up rather nice for restocking new fish. I did a 50-60% water change but I think I made a mistake, b/c I've lost 2 Clown loaches at separate times and a red-tailed shark within like 2 days...
  22. J

    Panda found dead, stuck to bottom of unit!!

    Hi... just thought I'd share this tragic event with you all, and see if any light can be shed on why this awful thing happened. I walked up to the aquarium this morning to do my normal check on the Aquarium, but to my dismay I find one of the 5 cory cats stuck on the bottom of the powerhead. Is...
  23. J

    Tubifex worm mess

    Hello, just a question about a way to keep tubifex worms from creating a mess. I feed my fish freeze-dried tubifex worms a couple of times a week, but have noticed the mess they make inside of my canister filter. Does anyone have experience with this, and a way to remedy this from happening. I...
  24. J

    Dwarf loach not so friendly in community

    Ok it's been about 2 weeks now and of the 3 dwarf loaches I added to my community tank, only 1 is really social. It comes out of hiding and swims around and has even started getting to know the cories. Lol The 2nd one comes out quite a bit when I do water changes, I don't know why though, maybe...
  25. J

    Just added 3 new fish to community tank

    Hello all... well I just added 3 new dwarf loaches to my community tank this week and I've only seen one of them in plain view and one other briefly, while the 3rd is a no show Lol. I didn't realize they are such small and nervous fish. Anyone know if that is normally what they do(hide) until...
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