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  1. lilpenquin

    Wigglers At Last!!!!!

    After 2 years of waiting, I finally got a spawn from angels! I went to visit my angels in the 55 at my dad's house at thanksgiving and I had wigglers so I took them and parents back to my apartment and everyone is doing fine. I'm cooking up some bbs at the moment and I'm hoping to have at least...
  2. lilpenquin

    Discus vs African Peacocks?

    I know haha. I'm just so attached to my discus. They really are my babies. They'll eat out of my hand and come near my hand whenever it's in the tank. They have such personality!
  3. lilpenquin

    Discus vs African Peacocks?

    Discus are cichlids too!!! Haha
  4. lilpenquin

    Discus vs African Peacocks?

  5. lilpenquin

    New Killifish

    They will put the fish in either a breather bag or double bag them. Then they put them in a styrofoam box
  6. lilpenquin

    New Killifish

    We also have a tire track eel that recently disappeared haha
  7. lilpenquin

    New Killifish

    Still stressed so color isn't great but he is settling in nicely
  8. lilpenquin

    New Killifish

    Yep he did! We named him Einstein. (He has made a habit of being smart and tricky haha)
  9. lilpenquin

    Wanted: Larger male Peacock Cichlid

    Okay. :(
  10. lilpenquin

    Wanted: Larger male Peacock Cichlid

    Central Wisconsin. Will pay for shipping
  11. lilpenquin

    Wanted: Larger male Peacock Cichlid

    Our females mate passed away and she has become very aggressive but wants to breed. We've tried other males but haven't found any larger than her. If they are smaller than her she drives them away. She is around 3-4"
  12. lilpenquin

    You tell me

    No problem!
  13. lilpenquin

    You tell me

    This was the male awhile back when we first got him. The coloring wasn't as good because he was stressed from moving tanks but they do get that all over bright blue
  14. lilpenquin

    You tell me

    Almost looks like a Stuartgranti
  15. lilpenquin

    Supporting the Local Fish Store

    That's really awesome too. My only problem is that John and Patty (the owners) are difficult to get ahold of and don't have a website. The driftwood is insanely expensive though but I will pay it for their help. I've even seen John chip away a piece of rock for a customer so that it would fit...
  16. lilpenquin

    Unusual guppy breeding!!!! Help!!!!

    Yes. It's possible that, if she is not used to it,the stress of the breeder box caused her to stop dropping. I would recommend not using a breeder box and using a bunch of java moss and other plants. Btw do you have a gravel bottom? I've had a lot of fry swim down into the gravel and get stuck...
  17. lilpenquin

    Supporting the Local Fish Store

    I love my LFS! I want a certain pair of angelfish and the owner of the store is making a trip to his angelfish breeder to specifically pick out the best pair for me:) he has also helped my fiancée learn more about African cichlids and get his tank in good condition. We are welcome to go in the...
  18. lilpenquin

    Peacock eel!

    Throwing out a long shot here but what do you guys know about the mastacembelus liberiensis a.k.a. Orange spotted eel. We got one today and he is just beautiful!
  19. lilpenquin

    This is either miracle,or completly normal LOL

    I'm not sure. Try looking on google. I use it with eggs only
  20. lilpenquin

    This is either miracle,or completly normal LOL

    Next time use methylene blue so no fungus grows
  21. lilpenquin

    Blue Peacock and Red Peacock

    They are Stuartgranti and jacobsfreibergi. (I'm schulfers fiancée)
  22. lilpenquin

    Wigglers At Last!!!!!

    Can I get one of those too? I can't get them to breed for the life of me!
  23. lilpenquin

    Question on Angel and Gourami compatablity

    My water quality is fine (0, 0, 20) and I feed a variety of brine shrimp bloodworms and high quality flake. I also use blackwater extract to simulate amazon conditions. All of this in a planted tank. It could be that they are of low quality
  24. lilpenquin

    thoughts on adding an otocinclus?

    Mine used to get stuck in the filter tubes!! I was always rescuing them until I changed filters
  25. lilpenquin

    My ryukins

    I do think they're pretty. They just need some help so they can truly be gorgeous.
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