Unusual guppy breeding!!!! Help!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 10, 2013
I have a guppy that dropped fry on the morning of Sunday 13th this month, I don't know how many she had but I only managed to save 3 using a floating breeder box. Tonight, my other guppy dropped fry in the main tank today without me knowing as now it is small and the gravid spot has gone pink in colour. The problem being, now from today my guppy that dropped not even 2 weeks ago looks ready to drop again! When she did drop fry the other day she didn't go as skinny as the 1 that had fry today and her gravid spot was still a darkish colour! Could she drop again? It hasn't even been 2 weeks.

Please, everyone's different views is more than welcome.
Yes. It's possible that, if she is not used to it,the stress of the breeder box caused her to stop dropping. I would recommend not using a breeder box and using a bunch of java moss and other plants. Btw do you have a gravel bottom? I've had a lot of fry swim down into the gravel and get stuck and die. It's best to use a bare bottom or second choice a sand bottom.
It was once thought that guppies could manage their embryo development, known as superfetation, but that's not so. However, I believe there are other livebearing fish that can. The gestation period per batch for guppies is usually 28 days. Perhaps what you're seeing is a freak of nature... :)


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