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  1. Mael

    40g Tall; P. pictus + Bala Sharks?

    Now that I have my betta situated, I'm wondering what to do with this extra 40g tall (36x18x16) we picked up from a restaurant that went out of business. I've always wanted to do a black sand tank with pictus cats and bala sharks. But I know pictuses, at least, want a fair tract of land to...
  2. Mael

    New Tank Up; Anyone Experienced With Cherry Barbs?

    I've got my desktop tank set up and I'm fish-in cycling with some goldies right now. My choices are a single betta or a school of cherry barbs. I want something active. If you have any experience with cherry barbs and how active they are, I would be appreciative of your comment. Yes...
  3. Mael

    Time For The New Tank To Go Up

    Betta or Cherry Barbs For Action-Adventure Tank? So I'm going to be setting up a small tank for my viewing benefit (behind my desk so I can actually look at it while I'm working) and I'm wondering which I will get more action out of: I'm considering a betta, or a small school (6-8) of cherry...
  4. Mael

    No One Does Under-Gravel Anymore?

    I've only been lurking for a few days and thrown out a couple searches, but it doesn't seem like many people are using under-gravel filters. Is there some outstanding reason that I'm simply not aware of? I have always liked the look of the two bubblers in the tank. I have three extra 10g to...
  5. Mael

    Greetings Programs

    My automated insta-PM said I should make an introduction post. I guess I can do that. I stumbled over the forum while looking for ideal freshwater stock for a 5.5g I picked up for $10 from a lady selling a Russian tortoise. I will be digging further into the archives for that later. I've had...
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