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  1. Nikita

    Peacock cichlid I.D. help

    Thanks! He was the only peacock in the tank that had those colors and markings. He's getting along really well with my other peacocks. I'm excited To see how his colors change and develop as he gets older.
  2. Nikita

    Peacock cichlid I.D. help

    :-) haha yeah I did! He has been exploring all his new caves and hiding places ever since I brought him home. He was still for like 5 seconds and I just took a ton of pics. Thanks for the help!! Greatly appreciate it!
  3. Nikita

    Peacock cichlid I.D. help

    Hello all! I was at my LFS today and I picked up this guy. Not sure what kind of peacock he is. I've never seen one like him myself. Anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate it!
  4. Nikita

    Red peacock sex?

    Sorry here are a couple more until I can get my DSLR out.
  5. Nikita

    Red peacock sex?

    Ok I will try and take some better photos tonight with my DSLR. Here are a couple more that *may* be a little better
  6. Nikita

    Red peacock sex?

    Hello! I recently picked up two red peacocks at my LFS and I was curious if anyone could help me sex them. I know they are pretty young and it's difficult to sex them before they have matured but I thought maybe someone could identify them.
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