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    anus worms

    I'm glad to hear you are having success in treating your fish. I started my battle with camallanus ... gosh... in April? I had a really hard time finding the proper medication for it, and once I did, I wasn't sure how reliable it was. I haven't seen any worms hanging out of my fish (the ones...
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    Glo Danio: constipation, tumor, infection?

    No scales sticking out or thickening. I read about dropsy just recently and wondered if that might be it, but many of the symptoms of dropsy sound similar to other issues (such as constipation, tumors, other infections), the only symptom that sounds maybe exclusive to dropsy is the flared...
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    For Sale: Plant Package!

    Are you willing to ship? How much for the plants? (I have no interest in the snails, I have plenty of those.) Thanks!
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    Gbr dying

    Can you share your tank parameters? I'm not familiar with gbr, but is there a possibility she's constipated? To my knowledge not eating is a very poor sign. I've never heard of force feeding a fish before? How is that done? I hope your fish gets better soon! :)
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    Sick Fair Fish Trying to Save Them

    I'm sorry to hear your battle did not end as hoped. I, too, give you props for trying so hard. They say often by the time you see behavioral changes in the fish, they are so far infected that there is probably no saving them, so they were probably done for before you even got them home. A few...
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    Glo Danio: constipation, tumor, infection?

    I have a red glo danio who has a distended abdomen/vent area with a dark center/protrusion (see pictures). None of my other fish have this, it doesn't seem to affect the fish's behavior at this point. I've tried feeding extra fiber/vegetation to help promote bowel movements in case it was...
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    This is really neat!! I like it!
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    How does my new 10 gallon iwagumi aquascape look?

    Just wanted to say that it's neat to see how far your tank has come! I'm currently just trying to figure out a good system to keep my fish healthy and alive >.<; Maybe one day once I become more proficient I can tinker more with actually designing it to look unique/neat. Good job! :thumb:
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    Need Help -- Fish dying...

    What size tank do you have, what kind of fish do you have, what kind of fish did you add? You mention "my level are again normal" were they ever not normal? The first thing I'm thinking is either the fish were not compatible with each other (one attacked another?) or the fish got stressed with...
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    Buying Meds? Buyer Beware

    I'm glad you have had a better experience than I. I just don't understand how a company dispensing a medication will refuse to tell their consumers the dosage. I wouldn't take a pill that I didn't know the dosage of, why should I use something like this on my pets? The only reason I gave...
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    Buying Meds? Buyer Beware

    I wanted to share my experience here with my fellow aquatic hobbyists. I purchased medicated flake food from Angels Plus (Angelfish) hoping it would help with my fish problem. I was disturbed when I received the product and discovered the concentration or dosage of the medication is not listed...
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    Super Frustrating Mystery Disease

    Well there we go! Learn something new everyday!
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    Bolivian Ram

    Oh noes!! I'm so sorry to hear this :( :nono:
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    Super Frustrating Mystery Disease

    The first thing I thought when you mentioned reddened gills might be camallanus worms, because sometimes this infection will present itself through redness in the gills. However I'm told camallanus only affects live bearers (not sure if that's accurate or not) and a danio is apparently not a...
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    Bolivian Ram

    Like the other user said, better pics will help. From what I can tell (and I don't know anything about your type of fish really) is that they look like fins? But if you see something that looks abnormal, there's a possibility it could be a parasite? I had red worm-like/hair-like things...
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    Camallanus Worms - Help!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your run-in with these stupid things :facepalm: They are incredibly frustrating. I myself was considering perhaps simply euthenizing the remaining fish and starting over, but the ones I have still seem to be doing well. Most of them don't even show symptoms, but...
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    All fish dead?

    There are several good points here, with such a small tank any small contaminator could cause problems, or if dechlorinator was forgotten or enough wasn't used that could be a problem. I've seen mixed opinions on the salt thing, some users (as you can see) advocate NEVER using salt unless you...
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    Camallanus Worms - Help!!!

    Thank you thank you!! And THANK YOU for also sharing a site that I can purchase this stuff from!! :) Buying this stuff RIGHT NOW. And yes my fish are still eating, they have very good appetites. As far as I can tell none of them are having appetite issues at this time.
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    2 zebra danios with big bellies

    Boil them, wait for them to cool a bit so you can handle them, then I pinch them so I can get the soft mushy center out. throw away the skins and you can feed that soft mushy center to your fishies. Since I have some smaller fishies I continue to mush the peas a bit in the water with my...
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    The thing that ended up working for me was the melafix treatment by API. While the natural remedies helped shrink the ich, the melafix got rid of it. I hope the natural remedy works for u though!
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    If loches cannot tolerate any kind of salt in the water, I did salt dips when I was combating ich with my guppies. You can look up treatments online, but if memory serves me correctly I would make a salt water solution (with "fresh water" salt) and would allow the fish to swim in this solution...
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    Goldfish Buoancy Problem?

    When I was first reading about peas, previous users would say they would give peas to their fish about once a week as a treat. I've given peas a couple times per week, and I also have live plants in my tank which all my fish eat the heck out of. The advice I've heard is "whatever they could...
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    2 zebra danios with big bellies

    Oh my! I thought they were livebearers! Oops... well mine never got skinny, .... so either they never laid eggs or they are pregnant again >.<; Maybe I should look-up what danio eggies look like then.
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    2 zebra danios with big bellies

    I have 4 glo danios (2 blue 2 red). For some reason my red ones are fat as well. I suspect that they just eat all my guppies babies, because when I find guppy fry there are only 2 or 3 in the tank at a time. Also, my red glo danio have been fat for a couple months now and have never given...
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