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  1. R

    red slime algae?

    Oh and water params are good just checked and read that I need to decrease lighting and feeding..lights on at 8am and off at 9 and get fed once a day and I do 25% water change once a week and top off water every other day
  2. R

    red slime algae?

    Its taking over my tank and growing on the walls..I kinda like it..adds color to what was my white "live rock" buttttt if its not supposed to be in there then off with its any help on if it is red slime algae and safe ways to get rid of it if it is.
  3. R


    And it buried itself in the sand..if that helps
  4. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Oops..."darn" tank. O.o
  5. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Yea I have a mag cleaner and I was wondering about cleaning behind the rocks haha gonna move em again...that **** tank is like a magnet hahaha
  6. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Nope everything came in and is hooked up
  7. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Maybe some really holey rock?
  8. R


    Any ideas? I can't make out his shell color because it has stuff on it. Got it from some lr.
  9. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    So here's mah setup....I want to maybe later on put something in front of the powerhead to cover it up..any suggestions?
  10. R

    Zoa id

    Hmm well that didn't work bwahahaha sry guys
  11. R

    Zoa id

    take a picture of the polyp. If it shows the sand grains like this out of focus shot of a Palythoa grandis, it is a paly not a zoa.
  12. R

    5 gallon SW tank

    This is why you research before you get a tank..
  13. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Can I go ahead and put live sand and rock in the tank while I'm waiting in my things to be shipped? It still has factory filter and things are supposed to be here by friday...
  14. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

  15. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Should work for what? Low med high? Not quite grasping the whole light concept because theres no wattage per tank size straight answer anywhere, everyone has a diff opinion..
  16. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Not sure on type of bulbs but its a Finnex Epoch Clip-On Light
  17. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    And I thought the lighting would be ok I looked up lighting req and some website said 3.5-4.5 watts per gallon would be good
  18. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    Yes first sw. Had 50 million fw tanks give or take a few hahaha but I grew bored of them got rid of everything then my step dad got a sw tank and I fell in love lol
  19. R

    what to stock a 5 gal with??..

    I'm getting ready to switch over my 5 gal fw to sw waiting on hob filter small powerhead and 26w clip on led light..its a 5 gal fluval chi and the filter n light I read were what can I put in here?
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