red slime algae?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 13, 2013
Its taking over my tank and growing on the walls..I kinda like it..adds color to what was my white "live rock" buttttt if its not supposed to be in there then off with its any help on if it is red slime algae and safe ways to get rid of it if it is.

Oh and water params are good just checked and read that I need to decrease lighting and feeding..lights on at 8am and off at 9 and get fed once a day and I do 25% water change once a week and top off water every other day
You can approach this in 2 ways.

1) Siphon out as much as possible while doing a water change, do a black out of the tank for 3-5 days (turn of lights and cover the tank with something so no light gets in) add a phosphate remover like ROWAphos, on the last day do another water change. Also no feeding while doing this. Don't worry your fish will be fine.


2) use red slime remover (it's a medication) follow the instructions on the box. Personally i tried this approach and it didn't really work. But it might for you!
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