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  1. fish4phil

    Heater cycles on and off ~20 times per hour

    I have a Fluval M300 300 watt heater in my 75 gallon. FX6, ambient room temp is 69. Heater is set to 82. Fluval says the M300 is good for up to 80 gallons. The heater turns on for about 20 seconds, then turns off for about 2 minutes. And repeats this all day. I work in the room the tank is on...
  2. fish4phil

    Stocking plan w/ automatic water changes @ "183% stocking level"

    Hello all! I have a 36g bowfront tropical community tank. Will be planted with a bonsai tree, some stones, and various plants. Black sand substrate. The water changes are completely 100% automated (filter maintenance and gravel vac manually). I can set up the tank to change any % of water any...
  3. fish4phil

    Fantastic Resources for Deep Understanding of Aquarium Chemistry

    Many freshwater aquarists have a basic understanding of beneficial bacteria, aerobic bacteria turning organize waste -> ammonia -> nitrites -> nitrates, and anaerobic bacteria turning nitrates -> nitrogen gas. But I'd like to really truly understand what's going on in there, the chemistry...
  4. fish4phil

    Extreme Muck In Water - But No Fish

    Curious on this one. I'm setting up a new 36g freshwater tank. I'm currently doing a fishless cycle, all going good, been about 3 weeks. Tank has gravel, fake plants (sigh, I know lol), one smallish piece of new Driftwood, Fluval FX4 filter set up as Fluval sent it, lid on, heater, Bubbler...
  5. fish4phil

    Does Seachem Prime or Seachem Purigen harm ANaerobic bacteria?

    There's been some discussion on if Seachem Prime or Seachem Purigen (at least once it's been bleached) harms ANaerobic bacteria. We know these don't hurt aerobic bacteria. This all stems originally from this Pondguru video: Why Your Filter is TOO SMALL and NOT CYCLED But if Prime really...
  6. fish4phil

    Automatic Water Change Setup

    I have a 36G freshwater tropical tank. I'm engineering an Automatic Water Change setup and would like your feedback before I purchase anything. (Yes, gravel and other cleaning will be needed I know, and yes, I'm this lazy to not want to do manual water changes lol) The main idea...
  7. fish4phil

    You decide - what fish do I get next?

    I've had my 36g freshwater for 2.5 years now, looking for a change. I haven't bought new fish in awhile. Here's what I want at minimum, help me decide what other fish to get :) I'd love one "main attraction", bigger fish (that doesn't eat the smaller guys) AqAdvisor - My 36G Fish Tank (6)...
  8. fish4phil

    Electronic Timer - What do you use?

    By far, the loudest component to my aquarium set up are my 2 mechanical timers. The constant "buzz" "buzz" "buzz" sound is driving me insane. My equipment requires a grounded timer, so I've been using the "Intermatic TN311 15 Amp Heavy Duty Grounded Timer". I don't recommend. What digital...
  9. fish4phil

    Angelfish with Rasbora Heteromorpha

    I've read they would be OK together, and I've read they won't be. I have 12 Rasbora Heteromorphas, each about an inch long. Will they be eaten of I add a baby angelfish? Rasbora max size is 2 inches, which is similar to Guppies and Zebra Danios. Though I've read that's not as issue. Tank is...
  10. fish4phil

    Mix Max CO2 Reactor - Bio Balls?

    Can you add bio balls to the mix max CO2 Reactor without any negative side effects? Mine is currently inside my tank being run by a circulation pump. Wouldn't this add more bio filtration? Or does the bacteria not like CO2? Sent from my mobile aquarium device
  11. fish4phil

    Wanted: Fast Growing Plant Package

    Looking to spend $20 including shipping for about 4 different types of any fast growing medium lighting plants.
  12. fish4phil

    Plants simply just won't grow - seeking experts

    - 36 Gallon bowfront (20" deep) - (2) 24" (48 Watt total) AquaticLife T5HO lights (1 of them the pink kind) 4" above water plus 18 watt LED strip in water (bulbs 4 months old), lights on for 8 hours / day - Lid is egg crate lighting panel - Pressurized CO2 with yellow drop checker for 6 months...
  13. fish4phil

    NH4 is 1.5ppm but NH3 is 0

    I've had my 10g quarantine tank running with no fish for about 2 months. I hadn't been keeping up with the ammonia to keep it cycled. It's been a week of dosing 4ppm pure ammonia daily, testing daily. Now, my Nitrites are 0, Nitrates are 160+, NH3 is 0, but NH4 is 1.5. PH is 6.2. My last water...
  14. fish4phil

    Not another stocking question

    I've been away for a while, feels good to be back :) A single question, "is this too many fish"? (Not asking about compatibility, please) Medium planted with CO2, 36G bowfront, water circulation pump, 50% water changes weekly habitually AqAdvisor - My 36G Fish Tank
  15. fish4phil

    What is this? (I've never seen it before)

    I have a finished fishless cycled tank (been 5 weeks) 10 gallon, used pure ammonia, no fish food. I have plastic plants on the bottom, floating Amazon Frogbit plants on the top, and a HOB filter. Still no fish in the tank. The tank is covered. 78 degrees. Lighting 10 hours a day. 2 weeks ago I...
  16. fish4phil

    Do Cardinal Tetras require floating plants?

    I've read they prefer them, do they require them? I see tanks all the time with neon and cardinal tetras with no floating plants
  17. fish4phil

    Wanted: Glosso

    Looking to buy glosso, PM me
  18. fish4phil

    Vacation with African Dwarf Frogs in a Community Tank

    I normally hand feed via long turkey baster my 2 African Dwarf Frogs thawed frozen blood worms every 2-3 days. They're in a community tank with greedy Zebra Danio's, guppies, cardinal tetras, and others. I'm contemplating a 10-day, 9-night vacation. Any thoughts on how to feed the frogs? My only...
  19. fish4phil

    Plant ID

    What plant is this, the bushy green ones circled in red near the lower right? (One of Tom Barr's tanks)
  20. fish4phil

    My Stocking Plan

    36G Community (will be heavily planted) 2 Mystery Snail (already have) 6 Guppies (already have) 5 Zebra Danio (already have) 12 Cardinal Tetra 2 African Dwarf Frog (already have) 4 Sterbai Cory (already have) 4 Panda Cory (already have) 2 Sunburst Platy 5 Marble Hatchet 1 Bristlenose Pleco...
  21. fish4phil

    UAS, or "Unidentified Aquarium Stuff", from filter media, can get fish sick?

    UAS, or "Unidentified Aquarium Stuff", from filter media, can get fish sick? I'm re-starting my 10G quarantine tank. I bleached it, rinsed it, dried it, the works. I bought all new filter media for my Aquaclear HOB filter, and stole a 2-month old Filter Floss from my 36G Display Tank to seed...
  22. fish4phil

    For Sale or trade: Floating Amazon Frogbit Plants

    This plant does really well for me. It's a beautiful floating plant with long stems. I'm looking to get more stem plants, and would like to trade for any stem plant. PM me Here is a picture of my tank including the floating Amazon Frogbit:
  23. fish4phil

    Cardinal Tetras as first fish in a new tank after fishless cycling

    Once a new tank is fully cycled (fishless, up to 4 PPM ammonia), can Cardinal Tetras be the first fish to add? Or do they prefer an "established" tank? This is for my quarantine which I just had to break down and resetup.
  24. fish4phil

    Pitch black at night

    I have my quarantine/hospital tank in the basement in a room with no windows. So when the lights come on (timer), the tank goes from pitch black to light, and light to pitch black when the lights go off. Is this stressful for the fish? If so, any solutions (without leaving the room light on...
  25. fish4phil

    Bleach tank, keep trying, or sterilizer?

    I've been battling some kind of disease in my quarantine tank for over 2 months. (This question is pertaining to my tank, not a particular fish). I've tried aquarium salt, Paraguard, PraziPro, Mardel Quick Cure. The fish get better, but then almost on the dot 2 weeks later they show the exact...
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