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    10 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    I put a betta with shrimp and snails in mine.
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    Please help : Cloudy tank :(

    Even if it is a bacterial bloom, the floss will help.
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    Please help : Cloudy tank :(

    Use some kind of filter floss. I just use the polyester batting that you buy at any craft store like Michael's or Jo-Ann's. I usually buy the fluffy stuffing like what would go in a cheap pillow rather than the flattened batting used for quilts. Either would work though. Change the filter floss...
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    15 watt light options for planted tanks.

    I have a basic 20g tanks with amazon sword and java. The light fixture is for 18" bulbs, but the only bulbs that size are 15watts. My java is barely hanging on, and the Sword lives, but doesn't really all. Please, someone tell me I don't need a $90 light fixture. Cheers!
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    Uses for W/C water

    I don't like just dumping all this water. I have a 10G and a 20G and I do 50%/wk water changes. That is 15g/wk that just gets dumped. I usually throw the water out into the lawn, but I am wondering, can you water houseplants or garden veggies with it? I have read about aquaponics so it seems...
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    Ick and Inverts

    Raise it slowly. at 86F ich cannot reproduce, at 89 it dies. ich cysts can survive in the gravel for 2 weeks. so keep the temp up to at least 86 for at least 16 days. that should be enough to end the ich. it should take almost a week to get to 86 and almost a week to come back down. i leave my...
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    Ick and Inverts

    I had the same problem. I raised the temp to 89F and in a week all the ick was gone. Now I keep my tank at 86 and I have no problems at all. RCS, Corys, Betta
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    Small planted tank questions

    I have thought about putting a fish aquarium on my desk at work, however, there is no way I could take care of an adequately sized fish tank in cubeville. So I thought about a plants only tank...maybe with a few nerite snails or shrimp. Here are the I am relatively new to...
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    Amazon Sword Help

    you only need to cut if you want to remove the runner, or put plants in other tanks. If you want them to grow in this tank, just wrap it where you want it on the botto and weight it down gently. Be careful not to crush the stem or everything down from the crush point may die or get infected.
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    Amazon Sword Help

    you can cut the connecting stem and plant the roots to have distinct plants. Alternately, you can weigh down the whole stem and the roots will dig in to the substrate. you have at least 4 viable young plants there if you just cut and plant in good soil/substrate.
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    Internal Parasites

    Removing the carbon should have no effect on bacteria. the BB are sticky and coat all the surfaces in your filter, especially the fiber mash of the filter itself. Sure, some is probably stuck on the carbon, but it will be a small percentage of your overall colony.
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    Sick Mollies

    Well, all 4 mollies kicked off last night. :-( One looks emaciated, but she just gave birth so not a huge surprise considering they had stopped eating. No pinecone scales, but some red bloches...not sure if that was infection, or pigment since they had a bit of orange on them when i bought...
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    help with DYI foam background

    How would I sink a background? I don't want to silicone it to the back of the tank because I want to be able to remove it. Any idea on other material I could make it our of? Maybe PVC pipes?
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    crabs, hermit and fiddler

    can either fiddler or hermit crabs go in a freshwater tank? Full fresh water as I have fish that are not salt tolerant.
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    Aquarium crack

    I'll bet if you use Prime, you could put the fish right in....just check your parameters 2x a day for 3-4 days.
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    Why Fish Won't Eat Their Food?

    Katiekelsey: Try this....add a single flake of the new food to the usual dose of the old food and rub it around in your hand to break it up a bit and get the smell/taste of the food to mix a bit. Add a little more of the NLS every day or couple of days and add less of the old food. Mixing it...
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    Best aquarium substate

    I just went to quikrete sand....took a lot of rinsing to get all the clay and dust out, but it looks great and the cories love it. Also, super cheapo at <$3 for 50lbs.
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    How to stop my goldfish from eating the algae wafers

    I don't know if this helps....I don't have goldfiss...only mollies, guppies, and cories. I have a sand substrate and I just crush flake food really small and dump that in. The cories sift through the substrate and eat what lands. Alternately, I drop in extra large size flaks that are wider and...
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    Sick Mollies

    The main reason I use the softened water is my well have a TON of iron in it. By ton I mean that if I were to fill an aquarium with well water, it would be orange in an hour. The softener removes iron also so I can have clean water. I have sand now in the aquarium....Quik-crete sand. I like it...
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    Southern Indiana Tri-State Area.

    I am up in Tippecanoe county...West Lafayette. MP
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    Sick Mollies

    With a ph over 8, how would I harden the water without spiking ph ever further?
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    Sick Mollies

    Would adding salt and hardening the water hurt the cories or guppies?
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    Sick Mollies

    Also, I have VERY soft water....not sure if that matters. I use a water softener, however, it is a version that de-salts the water, so my salt content is virtually zero.
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    Sick Mollies

    I do have an unresolved issue with PH fluctuation. My tap is about 7.2-7.4 ish but it spikes over the course of a week to about 8...maybe a little higher. I have added driftwood and upped my WCs from 25% 1x/week to 25% 2x/week in an effort to stabilize the PH. I don't know what is causing such a...
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    Sick Mollies

    I have 4 of my original 6 dalmation mollies. I got mollies because I read that they are hearty and a good starter fishand I haven't kept an aquarium for 15 years....start slow right? Anyway, I have lost 2 of them and now the other 4 look sick. The mollies are just sitting on the is...
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