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  1. J

    My planted 30g

    Love the 'bridge' look you've scaped in with the driftwood between the rocks!
  2. J

    Dwarf hair grass

    I recently started using ferts, so I don't know how good of a purchase mine was, but I got a PPS kit from GLA. It looked like the simplest method out there. GLA Fertilizers EDIT: From my experience though, I think CO2 is a lot more important than the ferts.
  3. J

    Dwarf hair grass

    I'm currently trying to carpet DHG as well - I'm starting to see it spread a bit. I'm working with med-high light, pressurized CO2, and I started dosing ferts. From what I've read, you won't see much success without the CO2 or ferts.
  4. J

    Best Co2 Regulator

    RE: Coyne: There is a flashing visual indicator when the power source is running, but it has a power adapter attached to it as well. You plug the solenoid into this power adapter, which you plug into your outlet, and it will cut the power to the solenoid when the pH falls below the threshold set...
  5. J

    Best Co2 Regulator

    You don't have to worry about end of tank dumps when you have the pH monitor. If you're worried about the solenoid valve breaking, that's another issue. I've heard a lot of people complain about the needle valve on the Milwaukee regulator, but I have yet to hear any horror stories involving a...
  6. J

    Best Co2 Regulator

    Personally, I think the best option is to get an O.K regulator (I use Milwaukee), and then get a pH meter. GLA has nice setups from what I can tell, but they're horrendously priced. Here's the MA957 regulator I use on Amazon for ~$100: MA957 Regulator And here's the pH meter you plug it...
  7. J

    New filer?

    You shouldn't really have problems either way, but just try to carry over some of the filter media from your old magnum to whatever new filter you get. That way, you won't have a sudden drop off in the levels of beneficial bacterial carrying out the biological filtration in your tank.
  8. J

    Light for planted tank

    Try out something from Finnex - they've got more than decent build quality and the LEDs are strong enough to grow most things you would want in a tank that's 18" deep. I've been using a Finnex Ray 2 on my 60g cube (24" deep) w/ injected CO2 and ferts. I'm successfully growing some medium...
  9. J

    setting up co2

    Just to add another great source for refilling CO2 tanks... I get mine filled at a local home brewery shop. There are, surprisingly enough, quite a few of these around, and they're used to filling CO2 tanks for their customers. See this link to find locations in your state if you're...
  10. J

    Filtration Order in Canister Filter....

    I also put my mechanical filtration before my biological filtration. I think of it like this: my filter is a tiered funnel. The highest level removes the big, unsightly chunks of *ahem* detritus that I don't want floating around and ruining the aesthetic in my aquarium. The biological...
  11. J

    Gourami Tank?

    My apologies for responding with a question, but do you do anything to minimize aggression between your gouramis? I was initially excited to keep a couple blue checkered gouramis together, but couldn't get them to stop fighting :/ Are there particular types that you seek out or avoid due to...
  12. J

    Driftwood dark brown/yellow water

    I introduced a humongous piece of Manzanita DW into my 60g cube about 3 months ago. Due to the dimensions I wasn't able to do much more than pour boiling water over it when I had time to spare. Needless to say, i got the full dose of tannins in my tanks. For the first month or so, there...
  13. J

    All male rainbow tank + id of fish

    I don't think you'll have problems either - unless you start trying to add female rainbowfish into the fraternity.
  14. J

    Recommend a filter please?

    I'm going to second the e-heim. It's simple, relatively cheap, and it works like a charm. The only downside is that the instructions for the initial setup aren't very clear. However, the only non-intuitive part of the setup is the fact that you have to section the tubing they send you.
  15. J

    help with co2 set up

    It sounds like you might already have an understanding of what happened, but just to be sure, let's walk through this: CO2 goes into the water from the CO2 tank, and the reactor helpes the CO2 dissolve in the water so less escapes from the tank. Excess CO2 in the water that isn't absorbed by...
  16. J

    Filter problems

    What brand and model of filter is it? And how long have you had it for? The fact that wiggling the intake tube makes the filter run again sounds a bit strange to me... Is the hose firmly attached to the filter or are there any kinks or leaks in the hose?
  17. J

    Inline CO2 diffuser Fluval Canister

    I just set up the same Milwaukee CO2 regulator and a similar in-line diffuser with my Eheim canister, but I think the logic should be the same. I've read, and it seems to make intuitive sense, that you should put the diffuser on the output hose of the filter. Otherwise, you may have to clean...
  18. J

    In-line vs. in-tank CO2 diffusers

    Hey there! I just recently made the same jump that you're about to make. In-Tank Diffusers: Pros: I think the only pros of in-tank diffusers are that they don't require a canister filter and they're usually cheaper than in-line diffusers. Cons: Not as efficient - you're likely to use more...
  19. J

    New Rimless Tank: Heater, and LED Suggestions?

    Hey everyone, I recently got a new tank after being out of the hobby for a few years. I bought a 60 gallon Marineland 24" x 24" x 24" rimless cube. However, I need help with a few purchases. 1. Heater - I had problems with heater failure in previous tanks. I was initially leaning towards a...
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