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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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    red tail shark + neon tetras

    Are red tail sharks and neons compatible? Thanks, Blizzard.
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    Pleco Feeding

    This may seem to be a strange topic, but how does one go about feeding these monsters!?!! I drop shrimp pellets in and my pleco wont touch them. Do you have to drop them right in front of their face? -Blizzard.
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    Sexing Yellow Labs

    What is the best way to sex yellow lab (electric yellow) cichlids? Both of mine have a good amount of black in their fins. I will try to put up some pictures today if I can. -Blizzard.
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    Ph Question

    Why is it that cichlids need a higher PH level? Can they still live with a lower PH level? -Blizzard.
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    Compatability Question

    Would it be okay for me to put a couple baby electric yellows with my pepperd corys? It would only be temporary until they outgrow the tank and move into my 55 gal malawi tank. -Blizzard
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    Getting my avatar to fit

    I need help getting my new avatar to fit. It's the right pixel size, but it's more than 12 kb's. How can I make it smaller but still keep relatively good quality.
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    Cycling Question

    My ammonia is 0.5 and my nitrites are hovering around .1 (Nitrates are 0.) The water is very very cloudy though. Is this normal in a cycling aquarium? Should I go ahead and do a water change. Thanks, -Blizzard.
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    Let the cycle begin...

    I set up my ten gallon fw Thursday and began the cycle with fish food. During this time I wasn't watching the water levels because I didn't have a test kit. So, yesterday I went and got a test kit at my LFS and while there, decided to pick up some long fin zebra danios. (4 of them.) I...
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    10 gallon cycle

    I just got my ten gallon set up and am ready to begin work. My question is, does a tank this small need to be cycled, and if so, what kind of cycle should I use and for how long. I am completely new to this so bare with me if I ask some stupid questions. Thanks, Blizzard.
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    red tail shark

    I'm just wondering if it would be OK to house a red tail shark in a 10 gallon aquarium. There a pretty small fish, but I hear that they are very territorial. Thanks, Blizzard.
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    This is a classic.

    This sounds so cliche, but I need some advice on convincing my mom that a ten gal. freshwater aquarium will be safe for her (really my) precious furniture. I'm wanting to put it in my room, but she says she imagines water damage and scratches from where I'm pulling it off of its shelf for...
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    Back again!

    Hey guys I've been gone awhile due to some stupid invention called school. I'm really excited, if any of you read my "Somewhat new to Freshwater aquariums" (it was a long long time ago) you'll know that I'll get a tank if I get all a's and b's on my report card. Well, it's been a real drag but...
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    Emperor 280 BIO-Wheel Questions

    I'm just wondering will an Emperor 280 BIO-Wheel, be enough filtration for a 20 gal? Thanks, Blizzard
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    (Somewhat) new to the hobby

    Hello everyone, this is a very nice community and I am glad that I found it. I have kept several bettas in the past, but I would like to move on to something more. (A community aquarium.) I'm saving up my money right now, and I have some time to get an efficient amount (I can't get another...
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