(Somewhat) new to the hobby

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 26, 2005
Hello everyone, this is a very nice community and I am glad that I found it. I have kept several bettas in the past, but I would like to move on to something more. (A community aquarium.) I'm saving up my money right now, and I have some time to get an efficient amount (I can't get another aquarium/fish until my report card comes, and I haven't even started school yet.). I'd like to purchase a 20-30 gallon tank. Does anyone have some suggestions on what I could put in there? (That would be good for a begginner.)
Thank you for your help,
Welcome to AA! My advice to you at this point would be to go to the library and check out a bunch of books. There are lots out there on keeping an aquarium and all the different fish. That way you can sort of see what fish interest you, and if they will work in the size and type of aquarium you want.
What books do you reccomend? I am very interested in plecos!
hey blizzard I no how you feel having to wait for your tank its a pain but anyways what kind of fish were you looking to get aggressive, a community, breeding or what Yor online now so am I so just respond back I'll be online
Boy, you've got that right! If I'm this crazy about them now imagine how it's going to be when I get the fish! 8O 8O
I'm very interested in plecos, and Goramies
If you are looking at a 20 or 30 gal tank, you're going to want a speciality pleco. And when I say speciality, I mean not the common pleco. They reach about 12 inches in length and are way too big for a small tank. Have you checked out Dwarf Gourami's? Try www.liveaquaria.com and see which fish interest you that will fit into your tank size.
plecos? LOL :lol:

well thats your choice but there is a lot of beatiful fish out there. and also fish with attitude like cichlids.

try browsing fish websites (search for "fw fish" and surf the different types and try to like one)

:? plecos? :lol:
My favorite is the Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami. I agree that a twenty or thirty gallon tank is way to small for a foot long fish. My favorite plecos are the Gold Nugget pleco, and the Snowball Pleco.
I'd also like to have a small group of neon tetras in my tank. Are the compatible with the Gorami/Pleco?
Don't insult plecos!!! lol.
I must admit, I rather like the cichlids too... :roll:
When you say they have attitude, you mean aggresive? Just how aggressive...?
neons and the powder blues will be compatible and the pleco you do know that those plecos in petland sell for $100.00 right
yep. good news. they are.

IMO, when you start out with a small tank, don't try to cram as many species of fish, of course one of each, into the aquarium. (that's exactly what i did :wink: ).
you already have a bottom feeder in the pleco and a top-dweller in the gourami (don't keep more than one male, they are highly territorial).

now to complete the tank, get a group of 8-10 neons (middle zone). believe me, i can visualize tanks :D, it'll make a spectacular display without giving you too much trouble (though neons are a bit touchy fish). just keep up with the pwc's and your tank will thrive.

then after sometime you'll contract the dreaded MTS and god knows what'll happen :roll: ....
Before adding fish, be sure to cycle the tank first. That is very important, especially if you are getting neon's. They don't take well to un-cycled tanks. If you can get ahold of Bio-Spira, that would be the best way to start it if you are impatient (like most people are :D ) With the fish that you are wanting, you are going to have to go fishless on the cycle. The fish that you are ultimately wanting to keep do not fare well during cycles.
I merged the two threads into one.

Plecos are a great addition to any community tank, although they tend to hide and sit still all day. I love my bristlenosed plecs - they even come out occassionally during the day to graze algae. Plecos are tough customers, but most aggressive fish will simply ignore them. A Gold Nugget pleco would get too big for a 30 gal, but a Snowball Pleco would be manageable. Still, I have a soft spot for bristlenosed plecs because they stay small (less than 4 inches), and are so ugly! :lol:

If you get neon tetras, don't get angelfish because they will be eaten. The gourami and pleco will leave them alone. I agree with Tetrin and Fishyfanatic about neons being delicate fish that require a cycled tank - get BioSpira if you can. I'll add that plecos are poop factories, so you will need to do weekly gravel vacs. I'd also suggest considering some low-light plants like Java fern and a small piece of real driftwood - these would make the tetras and pleco feel more at home.-

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