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  1. nuggetthefishy

    Is it normal for a goldfish's scales to fall off?

    PLEASE PLEASE HELP! Recently, I saw a tiny white spot on the middle of his right side, under his scale. It soon disappeared, and I thought nothing of it. Yesterday, out of the blue, the white spot grew prominently in place of the scale. It looked like fungus, so I made plans to treat it today...
  2. nuggetthefishy

    Fish-in cycling help?

    When I got my fish Nugget, the workers at the pet store did not mention cycling at all. I never did, and my fish only suffered dropsy (which he's recovering from, look at my recent threads for info about that), but had no other problems (knock on wood). I've had him for a while (since July)...
  3. nuggetthefishy

    starting to see slight pineconing in my goldfish! HELP QUICK!

    Hi, I'm Pixie and I'm new to fish-owning. I had noticed several days ago that my fish, Nugget, was bloated, so I researched it. The first thing to come up was dropsy. I wasn't able to go to get any medication for a few days, and within that my fish stopped swimming and it was more bloated than...
  4. nuggetthefishy

    best dropsy treatment? HELP QUICK!

    Hi! My name's Pixie and I need help. I noticed that my goldfish had a swollen belly. I did some research on it, and dropsy was the first to come up. I have bought Maracyn, but I'm not able to get a separate hospital tank or water heater. I'm very attached to my fish, and euthanasia isn't...
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