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  1. M

    Hello,Novice here looking for help to go high end setup, all comments welcome

    Hello fellow aqua enthusiasts, First off, thank you for taking your time to read this. To start, I would consider myself a novice planted tank person. I try to enlighten myself when I can but seems to be overwhelming at times, but I am in for the long haul so. I am trying to step up my game...
  2. M

    decent light 36gal bowfront

    36 bf depends on what alot is: i would say get the glass top ($60) and sit 2 aqeuon t5's right on it . one 30" and one 24" (bout 60 or so each). they will fit right on the back piece of glass (30 in the front). Pick for flourish liquid plant food and a bottle of liquid co2. That and maybe a...
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