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  1. J

    Starting first nano reef

    I am starting my first nano reef with a Fluval Spec 5. any reccomebdations of begginer soft and hard corals
  2. J

    Good planted tank fish species

    I have a gold gourami and and Cory and 2 pea puffers
  3. J

    Good planted tank fish species

    I was thinking about getting some more fish for the planted tank, any suggestions?
  4. J

    Good Background Plants

    My tank does not really have many plants in the back, so looking to fill in gap. Any suggestions?
  5. J

    Help! Fire Eel won't eat and is Dying.

    I haven't tried, I give him the frozen hikari bloodworms. P.S. He is a juvenile eel
  6. J

    Help! Fire Eel won't eat and is Dying.

    I have been feeding him bloodworms but he won't eat them, and other frozen foods he might eat?
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