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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. SpaceFish42

    Drawings of Fish

    I've decided to start my own drawing thread, since ExoticAquarist is no longer doing his. I'll draw from photos or species requests. Here are a few from school today.
  2. SpaceFish42

    Favorite Plants

    Are there any aquatic plants that you put in all of your tanks, or that you recommend to everyone? Why do you like them? I just thought it would be interesting to find out people's favorites, plus it might help me generate new ideas for my tanks. Anything is appreciated!
  3. SpaceFish42

    Injured Tetra

    I just noticed that one of my black neon tetras has a large part of its anal fin missing, and is swimming very oddly. (Corkscrewing, flipping over, swimming upside down, etc.) I have no idea how it was injured, as I haven't observed any aggression whatsoever from the other fish. What should I do???
  4. SpaceFish42

    How to make money from aquariums

    I am too young to have a real job yet, so I maintain all of my aquariums with a weekly allowance and occasionally selling my art. As the enthusiasm for the hobby increases, so does the amount of money I'm spending on aquarium supplies. Is there any way to use it to earn money back? Also, I am...
  5. SpaceFish42

    How much should I feed cories?

    I'm going to get 7 julii cories soon, and I wanted to be sure I wouldn't make the mistake of feeding them too much/too little. I have Hikari sinking wafers and some other frozen/freeze dried food to supplement their diet. How much should they get per day, and is there anything missing?
  6. SpaceFish42

    Micro Fish

    I'm trying to decide what types of micro fish to add to my 20 gallon with otos and Pseudomugil gertrudae. So far, I've done some research on CPDs, ember tetras, and peacock gudgeons, but there are so many more to choose from! What are your favorite micro fish, and how many of each should I keep...
  7. SpaceFish42

    Are root tabs bad for dogs?

    So a few minutes ago, I went to go get something and forgot to close my bedroom door all the way. When I came back, my stupid greedy lab had eaten through all of my fish food including the containers, some fake plants that were in a bag, a plastic spoon, and most of my root tabs. Do they have...
  8. SpaceFish42

    Please be kind!

    I'm not going to be pointing out anyone specific, but recently I have noticed a lot of negativity going on. It has made me seriously consider leaving AA. This is a forum for learning new things about fish, not arguing about who is better, who has had fish longer, who knows more about this or...
  9. SpaceFish42

    Wanted: Plants

    I am looking for any cheap plants for my 20g low-tech tank. Anything except java moss or elodea would be great. Please pm if you have extra plants! I would also be happy to trade, as I have LOTS of extra java moss and equipment.
  10. SpaceFish42

    Interesting Frog Habits

    I recently rescued three new ADFs, and I have observed them doing some very entertaining things so far, some of which I would never expect frogs to do. How many of you have seen your frogs doing funny, fascinating, or otherwise unusual things?
  11. SpaceFish42

    Wobbly Angelfish

    I recently bought a juvenile angelfish who seemed perfectly healthy (although a little crowded) from my LFS. But when I added him/her to my 46 gallon Amazon biotope, it started tilting to either size and staying in the corners. Is it something going on with the tank, or is it sick, or is it just...
  12. SpaceFish42

    SpaceFish's Tanks

    I am borrowing the idea of having one main thread for all my tanks from TMRC. I'll post the majority of new updates here, but any questions will be on the more specific threads. I hope that made some sort of sense!
  13. SpaceFish42

    10 gallon dwarf puffer

    As the title says, I have decided to turn my old 10 gallon into a dwarf puffer tank. At the moment, it has a manzanita branch, lots of water sprite, and some rotala. Would DBT be a good plant for this setup? Also, how many puffers should there be in the tank, and would shrimp make good...
  14. SpaceFish42

    Why fish are the best

    Today I came home to find that my big stupid Labrador retriever had eaten an unopened bag of at least 6 bagels, ALL my fish food, and something made of plastic. Fish would never do that. FISH ARE THE BEST PETS! Who else has had things like that happen to them?
  15. SpaceFish42

    20 gallon community stocking

    It is an established 20 gallon tank that currently has a tiny school of zebra danios. I'm hoping to add more danios and some otos, but still looking for more suggestions on what to add. Any ideas are appreciated, including favorite plants.
  16. SpaceFish42

    What are some random DIY things you have made?

    I have noticed that when humans have a problem, they have a tendency to create tools out of whatever they find lying around. For example, I needed to take something out from an area in my aquarium that I couldn't quite reach, so I used a rubber band to tie a plastic spork to a stick. I still use...
  17. SpaceFish42

    White spot on betta

    I recently bought a betta, and I just noticed a tiny whitish patch on her head. Should I go ahead and treat for fungus, or could it be something else? Thank you!
  18. SpaceFish42


    As some of you may have read, I had several fish die a while ago, and now my 10 gallon planted tank only has 3 female guppies. I'm going to move them to a larger tank, and let them live the rest of their lives there. Meanwhile, I am left with an empty aquarium (YES!!! So many possibilities!)...
  19. SpaceFish42


    I really love having three aquariums in my room, but there is one problem: The smell! I have been noticing it more as summer is approaching, and so have other people. What might be causing it, and what is the best way to prevent it? So far, the only thing that has worked is constantly leaving...
  20. SpaceFish42

    What is your favorite thing about fishkeeping?

    Everyone has to have something they enjoy about aquariums, or else nobody would keep them! I'd like to hear what the one thing you love about your aquatic friends is. For me, it is very satisfying to see my fish or shrimp responding to/exploring new things I put into the tank (including my hand ?).
  21. SpaceFish42

    New Pond

    I really want a pond to keep native species, but my parents don't seem too thrilled about me digging a giant hole in the backyard. How do I convince them? And if I do manage to convince them, where do I start?
  22. SpaceFish42

    Most adorable fish EVER

    How many people have heard of the Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker? If you haven't, you need to look it up right now. It's so cute and it makes me smile every time I look at one. If you know of any fish cuter than this, please post a picture!
  23. SpaceFish42

    Overfed fish!!!

    I was away for a week and left my family to take care of my fish. I had done a water change before I left and wrote very clear feeding instructions, so I thought everything would be fine. But I came home to find two dead danios and one dead guppy and the rest with bulging stomachs! I felt like...
  24. SpaceFish42

    How to make AA stop emailing?

    Aquarium Advice sends me at least 10 emails a day, and it's becoming really annoying. Is there a way to make it stop sending me notifications, and if so, how? Thanks in advance.
  25. SpaceFish42

    Favorite LFS in Seattle?

    I live near Seattle, Washington, and I was just wondering what local fish stores people like the most. My favorites are the Aquarium Co-op and The Fish Store.
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