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  1. S

    goldfish inactive.... and one died

    ive had 3 fancy goldfish for about 3 years almost and about 6 months ago one died. and now yesterday one more died. they seemed just fine and no problems. but now since there is only one left, the remaing single guy hasnt been swimming around much today. when i got home a few hours ago it was...
  2. S

    plecos go with what fish?

    i have a good 7-8" pleco and it had turned on my goldies after a 2 years of peace. what fish can be put with a pleco and have me not worry about any fighting or eating eachother? thanks
  3. S

    pleco eating goldfish......

    i did a search on it but didnt really find the exact answer i was lookin for. my pleco is not really eating them, but he ate the slime coat off of one of them. also ate most of one side of the tail fin off. my goldfish had eggs stuck on its tail so the pleco ate them and got the fin. anyway, i...
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    self made backgrounds.

    just wanted to see your guys homemade backgrounds or drawings of what you would like to have your tank be. i have a water type dragon im working on right now. ill post up pictures when i get them on the computer.
  5. S

    smallest puffers?

    i am looking into a bigger tank for my two goldfish and pleco, roughly 55 gallon. the pleco is getting to be a good size and probably would like a little more room to swim around in. they are in a 29-30 gallon right now. so i would like to know what is the smallest freshwater puffers you can...
  6. S

    what are these things in my tank?

    im a fish noob. i have a 29 gallon tank with two "fancy" goldfish and a pleco. they are all around 5" long. the think i noticed a few days ago was that one of my goldfish had kinda been a little inactive. kinda just flaots or hangs out near the corner of the tank and sits there. but then when it...
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