29g biocube HELP!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 12, 2013
Ok so I just brought a used 29g biocube included was a protein skimmer uv sterilizer power head light bioballs extra carbon and extra filters live sand and live rock. I work in the fish dept at a pet store but when I started I've learned everything as I continued employment. I know how to maintain a saltwater tank but starting one up on my own is a lil more tricky.

So far I have my live rock at work in a saltwater tank just to maintain it since I emptied the tank and threw out the sand ( I didn't want used sand ) my ideal tank that I'm tryin to start is I guess a reef tank. I def want a flaming angel an a type of butterfly fish I couple anemones some coral a ocarlis clown fish ( preferably 1 or 2 ) some mushroom and a some type of blenny groupie or gramma if not one of each... 1st question is

Bio balls or no bioballs?
I still have the used ones I rinse them off but should I even buy new ones or just not use them at all?

I def want to start up as soon as possible with cycling I'm not in a hurry with fish. I have already premixed sw from work or I can get OR water from work which is easier and better?

Cycling -
I have live rock I want to cycle with and I want to get some tanga branches and occasionally throw in some frozen shrimp just to produce some bacteria rather then using a damsel ( being that it's an aggressive lil bastard ).

But as far as that I do need some advice am I going about my plan the wrong way is their an easier way should I think of a different filtration method please help I'm all ears !

Thank you in advance
Sounds like a good plan to me. Ditch the bio balls though. All you really need for filtration is live rock and a good water flow.

A single piece of shrimp kept in a new nylon or filter bag is sufficient to start a cycle on a tank.

As for a source of water, it is all about the cost and convenience. Sure, you can get specific salt mixes but until you have a well established tank with a ton of coral the "reef mix" salt isn't really all that necessary.
Well price is the same giving the fact I make the salt my self at work but are the fish I'm choosing for my tank when it ready a good mix and since I'm not doing the bio balls I keep hearing about live rock rubble and media shelf or carbon sponge
Ahh i getcha. The flaming angel is a potential nono for a reef tank. It seems that people have varying amounts of luck with them nipping at corals or not. You could give it a try, but if they start eating corals you might have to tear down the entire tank to pull it out.

As for the Grouper and Butterfly fish, they both need much bigger tanks than a 29g sadly.

Blennies and Gammas are both very nice to have. Personally, I really like the colors of the royal Gramma.

If you can find a male / female pair of Ocellaris clowns they would be a great addition to a tank.
Awesome and really I mean I thought they would nip at soft coral but it's something to think about I guess and also I see a lot of ppl modding their bio cubes is that a big thing?
Awesome and really I mean I thought they would nip at soft coral but it's something to think about I guess and also I see a lot of ppl modding their bio cubes is that a big thing?

That's a good question and not really one that I can answer. I'm too old fashioned and only have standard tanks :)
Darn but thank you for the help u were able to answer
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