ADF floating at surface

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 20, 2013
Canada, Ontario
My African dwarf frog has just been floating at the surface of my tank, usually in the corner by my heater. He has been doing so for the past 3-4 days and I don't know why. He occasionally goes to the bottom of the tank and hangs out there but not often. He doesn't seem like he is bloated or has dropsy And I've seen him swim to the bottom a few times. Is floating at the surface for long periods of time normal behaviour for ADFs? Should I be concerned? Of course as I post this he swims down so I can't take a photo, but I'm sure he will be floating again later. Is it possibly because he is not as skittish anymore and doesn't mind the presence of the other fish so he's just chillin wherever he wants?
Some photos, the one where he's near the surface isn't what I was talking about normally he has part of his face out of the water or right at the surface
Well came home today and he was going crazy doing backflips and stuff I brought him to the surface to breath and calm down and he swam back down after and seemed okay... Have him in his own bucket now with a heater and airstone to keep the water moving medicated with some API general cure...hoping he will make it through the whole medication process and come through healthy.
Not 100% sure if the medication will even help though since they don't breath air from the water and I'd imagine that is how they are supposed to ingest the medicine...
Yeah mine passed this morning. I'm assuming it had some sort of parasite, I don't know what from tho. Maybe I fed it too often.
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