algae lighting requirments

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 14, 2007
I have algae growing on the walls of my aquariums. Fine with me. I'm just wondering if the light that is obviously good enough for growing algae would work for growing any kinds of plants? I have a 30 gallon standard that has your average hood and light on top of it so it's nothing special. But I would like to add some very easy to grow plants in there.
some anubias and anarchis, maybe some swords and crypts and java fern/moss would all love that light, come would grow slow but none the less I would get rid of the algae because it can get out of control very fast, algae will grow in anything with water... not a fun thing to have, trust me.
Please check the actual wattage of the bulb. Generally it's printed on the bulb. If not measure the length and diameter.

Standard lighting is generally enough for Anubias, Crypts, Java Ferns, and Java Moss. Swords are more demanding and not likely to do well.
Thanks for the help guys. I actually like growing algae on the sides / bottom of my tank, and I keep the front glass pane of the tank clear. I think it looks pretty lol
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