Another ICH Threat.....

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Yellow Eye Tang

Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 5, 2002
Springfield, MO
Any moment now I'm going to pour stress coat all over my head and see if it helps.:confused: I just got home from work and have been fighting ICH for 48 hours now. The heat has been raised to 88 for 2 days and I've been treating with jungle Ick guard 2 for two days as well. I just got home and the ick has spread to three other fish. Water is maintaining a steady 88 degrees even over night and my heater is maxed at that. The jungle ick guard is asking for 5mL per 10g every 24 hours until it is gone. I have a 20g tank so I'm hitting it with 10mL. Is this stuff not strong enough for my sailfin molly's? You would think it would at least nail it off of the neon tetras but its not. Also,... do i need to do water changes during this treatment or can I just continue to add more ick guard everyday?!?! <Stressed>
Well,. I've been reading and reading on ich and I've even cured it before in my reef tank, but for some reason it is not going away this time. If anyone has any answers I'd love just to have something else to try. Could it have been that I treated with parasite tablets along with the ich treatment that maybe the parasite treatment canceled out the ich treatment? Also Should I be doing PWC's during this? I'm really worried that it's spreading and I have a pregnant Sailfin molly. They are currently doing fine but ate up with ich. Help!
Doing water changes is suggested. Also you know when you raise the temp to fight off the ich it doesn't just go away, it makes the life cycle of the ich go faster. So you may look like it is getting worst, but your just speeding everything up.

Personally I don't do the heat treatment. I just treat with API Super Ich Treatment stuff. Shows results the very next day for me.
I had a bad case of ick too. I'm using the same stuff you're using. I've been treating for a week now and it's mostly gone....just a spot or 2 on one of my angels. I think it just takes time to get rid of ich. I was pretty worried too. It seemed like they got a bit worse before they got better. I do about a 25% water change and vacume with each treatment. Don't forget to take your carbon out of the filter. Good luck! :)
Thanks a million for the replies. I'm going on almost two weeks now and some fish have lost it while one (my red tail shark) just can't seem to shake it. I've been doing 50% water changes every other day cleaning the rock with my syphon and still the water seems to be cloudy now and I think I may lose my red tail and a cory cat. I'm constantly reading these message boards and all links that have anything to do with ich. I swear I'm a pro now at ich but my tank just cant seem to shake it. Patience and work is all i'm giving them now.
I've had ich in the tank for a month and the tank at 88+ for a month and I STILL have ich. Started using Kordon Ich Attack, but don't see improvement yet.
I have had very good luck using the heat method 3 times in the last two years I have got ICK from new angelfish I bought At a LFS (thankfully I use a Quarantine tank) each time I raised the temp to 88F to 89F (no Meds) and it got rid of the ICK with out a single fish loss within 30 days.
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