Anyone use this dry bacteria for their aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 10, 2020
Anyone tried the glossy factory dry format bacteria? I have a 3 week to 4week old aquarium with a betta fish, 2 frogs, 2 snails (mystery and a small speckled snail) and a small shrimp (cherry shrimp - I had a blue shrimp but I haven’t seen him). I was initially having issues with my water and ammonia levels. I tested my tap and it tested very harmful with ammonia( the highest rating). So I’ve switched to spring water and have been doing well since (I still put conditioner just Incase). I do water changes almost every night. My ammonia level right now is .5 (I am using API ammonia test kit). I use a little aquarium salt too. I am also testing withusing 5in 1 easystrips.
Nitrate and nitrite are 0
Total hardness is Hard
Alkalinity 40
Ph is between 6.8 and 7.2

Everyone is acting pretty healthy as of right now. Frogs a growing and are active and have an appetite. The betta swims around (he does get bloated when he eats but his stomach goes down after a couple of hours). And my snails are doing pretty well too (I don’t see my shrimp often at all) - my mystery snail is weird but has beeen this way since I brought him home- he/she’ll munch on rocks and plants then close up and I guess just sleep- she’ll stick to the same area for a few days then move on. Most of the mystery snails friends at the store didn’t look like they were doing well- she was the only one sticking out and eating (the rest were closed up). I also have two moss balls I had some aquarium plants (but they are dying-I take the dead pieces out) and lots of lucky bamboo (the leafy part is out of the water)

Any tips to getting my ammonia levels down would be greatly appreciated.
And Is it bad that my aquarium water reads hard? If so any tips on how to soften it.
And does anyone have any experience in using the glossy factory dry format bacteria?

Side note - about two weeks ago I used ammonia neutralizer just to be safe.
And I have a 10 gallon tank.

Thank you!


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