Beginner filtration advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 11, 2014
I have a 275litre tank and I don't want to drill it! I'm just wondering if a skimmer rated for a 6-800l tank , and a aqua clear 110 running either purigen or matrix ? Or if any one can recommend what media to use in it? , I will also be having live sand and live rock , and I'm only wanting a couple of corals anenomes :) thanx for the help :)
Would the skimmer and filter be enough? I also have a hob refugium if that helps I could fill with cheato lr rubble sand cheers thank you :)
275L converts to 72 us gal.
A nice size for a beginner .
You can get by with out a sump , I have for a few years in my 75 gal
I have a eheim canister with only filter floss .
Research the Berlin method .
Biological filtration and using 2lbs of live rock per gal
But you need a very good skimmer .
The problem with hang on back and canister filters they hold onto nitrates like a factory for nitrates .
Ideally you do not want any ( 0ppm ) or as close to as possible .
I would suggest do your research .
And understand everything well before jumping Into something of that degree .
What kind of skimmer are you talking about ?
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