bloodworm question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 21, 2011
Cleveland, Oh
i am new to keeping fish, so i ask every question i have on here...

I want to feed my fish something other than flakes (which i believe is recomended). Now i would probably buy freeze dried bloodworms, as i am not sure if every pet store has frozen. Any opinions and advice would be appreciated! thanks
5 danios
6 guppies
6 tiger barbs
clown pleco
There's nothing wrong with flakes, though you can alternate with pellets and other foods. Bloodworms make a nice treat, but they don't have the nutritional content to be a primary diet. Most fish will go nuts for bloodworms though, even freeze dried. It's fun to watch!

Beefheart!!!! Lol I've fed my fish bloodworms and brineshrimp and beefheart and the food that seems to pack on the pounds for the fish is beefheart, I get it at petsmart.
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