Blue tang

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 31, 2013
I really want a blue tang but I heard this tang has the most problems with iCh. Should it be worth getting because I don't want a sick tank
Personally I wouldn't do it they are not hardy at all and it could infect your tank and that would suck! If you want a hardy and beautiful tang I would recommend a vlamingi tang! Mine is super active and bullet proof he is my favorite tang I have.
I had a blue tang who I purchased with ich not realizing it. I was able to clear him up and he was fine. I added a clown who also had ich which killed both of them.
I have a blue tang. Hardy fish. Just making sure we are talking about the same tang- Blue aka Hippo aka Regal Tang.

6 foot tank and good water quality with a well rounded diet and I think you have a great fish for a saltwater tank. I got lucky and found the yellow belly version. Gorgeous fish.
Blue tangs are amazing fish but some sources say they are delicate so I'd add one with caution.
I really want a blue tang but I heard this tang has the most problems with iCh. Should it be worth getting because I don't want a sick tank
It depends on how big your display tank is and the size of blue hippo you buy. Generally baby blue hippo is very delicate even if your tank is big enough. They are so nervous that they get stressed out easily. While If you buy a larger one they are kinda hardy and can adjust to their environments better.
I really want a blue tang but I heard this tang has the most problems with iCh. Should it be worth getting because I don't want a sick tank

It really depends on how bad you want the fish. Yes they are pick prone. Yes they need a 6'+ tank. Yes they need a little more attention. Yes they need quality food.

But if you're up for it then go for it. It's your choice and your tank. With proper care the fish will survive and thrive.
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