Bulkhead size and yielded GPH...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
How many GPH will a 1 3/8" bulkhead hole yield? I need to know what size return pump to get for my sump? Thanks.. Need any other info, please ask... Brand new to sumps! :cool:
Are you not using a pvc pipe? The gph is dictated by the size of the pipe. Is this 1" pvc? Also, is this for a return pipe going from your sump to DT or overflow coming back into your sump?
Now we're talkin thanks Rick... So my LFS is gonna knock out 2- 1 3/8" holes in the back of my tank a couple inches down from the water line. It's a 75 gallon. I'm new to this plumbing stuff so please bear with me. If the holes for the downpipe and return pipe, how big should the PVC be?
Are they including bulkheads? If not, you need to make sure that 1 3/8" is appropriate for the bulkheads you get. I'm guessing that would be for 1" PVC, so you can figure in about 600gph for each... assuming you've got a relatively straight path down to the sump. Might be best to assume 500gph each and match the pump w/ head height pretty close to that.

What kind of overflow box are you using? Your description almost makes it sound like they're just going to drill 2 holes anywhere in the back. You need to make sure that they drill them in the appropriate area for your overflow boxes so that your water line isn't way too low or too high.
No the holes wont be just anywhere. Wont 1 hole be the down pipe and the other for the return? That's what I was planning on anyways. And I can't stand overflow "boxes"... Was going to do a 90 degree PVC bend facing up with a guard on it so nothing gets sucked in...?
Yes, great call on using elbows and strainers. I can't stand the box look either. Takes so much space up.

Is the 13/8" the size of the hole they're cutting in the glass, or is that the size of the bulkhead they'll be using in which case the hole will be larger etc?
I'm pretty sure he said that was the hole size. And I'm glad someone else shares my dislike for overflow boxes!
Ok so if 1" PVC with elbow/strainer... If the hole is 2" from the top, what kind of flow am i looking at, with using the 2nd hole as a return?
Do you typically want as much flow as possible through a sump? Meaning should I just keep it wide open with no flow restrictor on the downpipe, and get a pump rated for 900+ GPH, or should I tune it to say, 700 GPH?
I like really low flow through my sump and return pump/pipe. Skimmers tend to work better with a low flow ime. I like around 5x DT volume flow through my sump. It's really up to you. If you're getting your tank drilled, I would highly recomend to have 2 overflows (1" each) and a smaller return hole drilled (3/4" or 1/2" depending on what works for you). For a total of 3 holes/bulkheads. This way if one of the overflows gets blocked/clogged, you still have another just in case.
Ok cool thanks for all your help. I'm gonna hafta figure it out soon, I'll ask questions as they come up!
How does this deal sound and would it work well with the 1" hole... Found a AGA mega flow 2 sump, with a Mag 7 pump for $100... Would a 700 gph pump be on or should I get bigger?
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