Checking up on your fish.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 28, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Like many of you, I am on vacation visiting the folks. Now, normally I would never be able to relax knowing that my tanks are going unattended, constantly fearing that my lights will stay on or that my fish have suddenly come down with a plague... So I decided to rig something up.

First, aquire a second computer with a webcam. I luckily have a netbook that I use for work.

Second, download skype on two computers and make TWO accounts.

Third, set your home computer's skype settings to automatically pick up and automatically start video chat.

Finally position your camera at a pleasing angle and take off.


It works really well. I've been browsing all week like this. Does anyone else have techniques to put their minds at rest while on vacation?
That is sick! Totally cool! Last time i went on vacation, i wasnt as into fish keeping and only had a 10g...this was over spring break of last year. All i did was put in some of those pellets that gradually break down for the fish, and didnt loose one.

Now, i have a 40 g and a 30g salt in the making. Funny how much can change in lesd than a year!!! I am not sure how i will keep my fish alive if i leave again! I have a knowledgeable friend though, so ill hire him an hope for the best :)
Thats a really cool idea. Last time i went on holidays my brother-in-law was suppose to feed the fish. I came home to a huge mess! It looked like he had forgotten to feed them so just dumped a whole heap in the day before we got home. Never again! I'll get my sister-in-law to do it next time. She's got a brain at least lol.

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