Cleaning my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 21, 2012
Once my 10 gallon tank is fully cycled how often should i clean/siphon my tank?
I have gravel, currently i have a moss ball thing and my tank is still cycling....I messed up and did not do any research and i was unaware of what cycling was.....i went out and bought 2 neon tetras, 2 cory cats, 3 cardnial tetras and 3 others whose names i do not know, i know this is over stocked but i have been doing the water changes and taking good care of the fish...
You're going to want to siphon the gravel and change the water about 40-50% once a week imo. Maybe more if you can, there's nothing wrong with healthy water. Whatever it takes to keep the nitrates below 10.
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