Constant Cloudy water/PH & amonia levels??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2011
Suburbs outside of Philadelphia, PA
We have a 30 gallon tank, that has been set up for about 6 months now, divided with male & female guppies, males on one side, females on the other (which are twice the size of the male guppies and are so incredibly big they look pregnant, but are not) along with pleco on both sides as well. It seems that no matter what we do the levels of PH and ammonia are constantly up and down off the charts either high or low. When treating the problems/maintaining the tank with proper water changes chemicals, etc. , the levels of the tank never seems to stay netural. Yesterday I did a partial water change and the water seems like its getting cloudier as the day goes on. Ph is reading a perfect 7.0 and the Ammonia level went from a sure 8.0 to roughly between 2 and 4.0 which is still extremely high. With the water change I added Tetra Correct PH 7.0 and the proper dosage of AmQuel Ammonia Remover Conditioner to the tank, on occasion when needed, I've been using Water Clarifier as well. Any suggestions on what I can do to level out this tank? Yes I do have ammo chips alongside the filter as well.
Thanks in advance.
HI! At 6 month the tank shoiuld be established and cycled by now so you shouldn't be seeing ammonia levels that high.

Answering some questions would help:

1. Have you changed any filter media recently or along the way? What filter(s) do you have on the tank?

2. What kind of plecos do you have? Commons for example need a much larger tank and could be contributing to the ammonia. Also how many guppies are there?

3. What test kit are you using to check the water? is it strips or a liquid kit?

4. Are you adding dechlorinator to the water before putting it into the tank? What kind if so?

5. The ammo chips, water clarifiers and PH adjusters are not needed. They often do more harm than good. Your natural PH would be fine for the fish.
We have a Whispers 30 gallon and changed the filter approx 2 weeks ago. We have 3 male guppies and 4 female. Opps, sorry we have 6 Cory cats 3 on each side one Pleco on one side and one Dwarf frog on the other. We are using API liquid ammonia and Ph test kits, always have. Never added dechlorinator, just always used filtered, standing water with a normal ph level

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