Dead shrimp after molt

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2004
Is this quite common?

My fire (blood) shrimp molted last night, and looked a bit weak this morning (his new tentacles were exteremley thin and he wasnt moving much). He also didn't eat last night when he usually goes mad when I put any food in at all - this was before he molted. I just found him dead, behind my rock.

He's lasted the longest of all the shrimps I've had - about 8 months I think. The others have died (sometimes after a molt, sometimes not) before that.

Is it just one of those things - does it happen quite often?

I use Tropic Marin Pro Reef salt, so iodine etc. levels should be ok in there.
Maybe he was just a bit older and it was his time. How are the other shrimp doing? That would be your test.
I don't have any other shrimp :p

He just seemed to be doing so well - dont they usually last very long and can die suddenly after a molt?

I can't find him now to get him out. Will it be ok to leave him in without an ammonia spike etc?
Perhaps the cleanup crew already disposed of the body.
May want to test the ammonia to be sure.
Sorry for your loss Mark.
immediately after a molt, I don't think their shell is fully hardened, thus they usually hide when molting to avoid predation.
maybe he just didn't hide well enough...
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