Do cories sleep on thier sides?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 1, 2008
I turned the light on this morning and noticed my cory sleeping on its side against a piece of driftwood. he looked pale and i thought he might be sick. then he woke up and starting swimming normally. So, do cories sleep on their sides?

Water test shows
< 20ppm nitrAtes
~.00ppm nitrItes
~ 50ppm gH
~ 200ppm kH
~ 8.0 pH
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I have never seen my cories sleep completely on their sides, no. Depending on how they rest on the substrate sometimes their tails are twisted like a corkscrew.
Perhaps he was on a "hill" of gravel slanting to the side. I have three Albino Corys and they seem to "sleep" all over the tank, and sometimes appear to look sideways.
I believe they are nocturnal with perhaps poor eyesight.
If your water parms are OK, and he swims normally, I think you are OK.
Sometimes the light startles all fish.

He may also have been digesting. Cories have a gland that adds oxygen to their stomachs to aid digestion. The side effect is that they also get gas and sometimes flip over or lay on their sides/backs briefly. Sometimes they'll fart before taking off too.
oh will they hmm and I was blaming the smell on the dog.... wait I dont have a dog... or a cory come to think of it.
But my guppy often sleeps on his side in the gravel several times I have thought I lost him but lights come on and he wakes up and startes to ask for breakfast. swims to the top and searches then down to the ever present wafer nibble then back to the top over and over til I give in and give him breakfast. I have seen 2 of my 3 mollies also sleep on there side once ontop of a larger plant leaf I wish I could have gotten a pic of that one. As to the pale well lets just say my guppies tan doesnt last long when the lights are out but he burns quickly in the sun
So to come to the point if my guppy seems happy on his side and your cory also gets up and is ready for breakfast then I think you are ok IMHO:bowl:
haha thanks for the humerous help. he seems to be doing "swimmingly" :p now so he must have been digesting. come to think of it, he fell asleep on one of his food tablets lol.
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