Fancy tail gold fish info Help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 6, 2013
In a house
So I told my mom that I wanted to start a reef tank for my birthday which led to my uncle buying my a conner 45 gallon tank that sold with everything in it. The promblem is that it also came 5 fancy gold fish. There in a 20 gallon fresh water right now, because that all I had set up. Any info on these guys would be appreticated, and i`m going to try to the 45 gallon set up as soon as possible.
Also, do they eat live plants.
Do you want the fancies or are you wanting a reef tank? The reason I ask is that they are a lot of work (totally worth it in my opinion) so you better really like them.

45g is good for 3 in the long run so if you plan on keeping them you should either re-home 2 or get another tank 30+ gallons for 2 of them.
I`m think I`m goning to keep 2 of them and give the other 3 to my uncle when they get larger. He has a gold fish tank that could hold them. Then I`m going to turn my 20 gallon tank into a reef
Biggest thing with fancies is keeping the water quality good. They are poop machines so you will have to do weekly water changes to keep the levels in check. Keep testing too since the size of pwc needed will go up as they get bigger.

It is best to feed a sinking pellet since feeding at the surface can lead to swim bladder issues. Daily veggies too are important.
Alright, the filter that came with the tank is an aqua clear 30-60 filter with 360 gph. And I don`t mind doing water changes. What kind of sinking tablets are best and are cucumbers alright to feed them
Alright, the filter that came with the tank is an aqua clear 30-60 filter with 360 gph. And I don`t mind doing water changes. What kind of sinking tablets are best and are cucumbers alright to feed them

Hikari makes quality sinking pellets.

Zucchini has more nutrition than cucumber. Also consider blanched kale, blanched dark green lettuces (no iceberg), blanched spinach, frozen thawed green peas with skin removed, oranges, tangerines and grapefruit washed and cut into quarters so the fish can get to the flesh, and sliced bananas skewered and dropped into the bottom of the tank. I always fed fruit on the day of a water change.
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