Favorite angelfish breed!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 6, 2013
Michigan City, Indiana
Wanted to start this thread to get a look of everyones favorites and maybe hear some breeds ive never heard of before! I have a thing for the blackveil my ghost blue angels! Whats yours????
Exactly why i wanted to start this thread! Ive not only never heard of that one but it is awesome looking! Where did you pick him/her at??????

They are a separate species from the commonly sold pterophyllum scalare morphs. I got him at my lfs, I used to have two but lost the one in a horrific fungal outbreak a while ago. Thanks haha they are not easy to find, I got him in a mixed angel bunch. They were thrown in with a bunch of scalare angels. Only $5 when I got him :).
Not sure what she is called. Just labeled blue angelfish at the store


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They are a separate species from the commonly sold pterophyllum scalare morphs. I got him at my lfs, I used to have two but lost the one in a horrific fungal outbreak a while ago. Thanks haha they are not easy to find, I got him in a mixed angel bunch. They were thrown in with a bunch of scalare angels. Only $5 when I got him :).

Well idk if thats a good price considering i don't know anything about them but i would definitely like it in my collection! Hell i paid 12bucks a piece for the ghost blue which was the most ive ever paid for a fish! Lmao i do believe it was worth it i just need to invest in some 10000k bulbs so they pop! But dang good buy im jealous! Thanks for sharing!
Well idk if thats a good price considering i don't know anything about them but i would definitely like it in my collection! Hell i paid 12bucks a piece for the ghost blue which was the most ive ever paid for a fish! Lmao i do believe it was worth it i just need to invest in some 10000k bulbs so they pop! But dang good buy im jealous! Thanks for sharing!

I thought it was haha. I've heard of people paying $30-$50 for the adults so I think I made out :). $12 isn't bad for that morph, I've seen ugly morphs that expensive sometimes at one of the lfs near me.
Specie wise, my absolute favorite are true Altum Angels. My favorite color of Scalare however are the 1/2 Blacks. You just can't beat a tank full of 1/2 black veiltail Angels ( IMO. ;) )
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