Has anyone heard of a peroxide dip?

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A lot of people in my reef club are telling me they dip all new corals. From what I hear, they use peroxide with tank water, than fresh for zoos, fresh for softies, and iodine for hard corals.

They swear by it saying it will kill fungus, and release any nudis(except eggs) and other hitchikers?

Any opinion? Anybody here dip new corals?
I have heard this Mike from several people. I have never done it on my corals because I just dont know about FW dips. I`ve never had any good results with fish on FW dips so I dont want to try corals either but I`m not disputing the validity of them either. Evidently if your club likes the results then it must be working.
Actually Mel that is funny because fish dips they also do not like. The reason this came up is because I have that one zoo that did not open for a week, opened for a day, and is again closed 70%. It has no nudis, or sundial snails.

I may try this dip since they are not opening anyway. All my other zoos are doing great so I wonder if it is some kind of fungus.
I have a bottle of reef dip I got free from MACNA Mike, if you want it. Never been opened. You can have it.


I've read articles from the coral "pros" who don't use the dips and dont advocate them. But, I don't believe harm comes from doing them either. Basically, if you feel better doing them, then do them. I don't dip my corals either, but then again, I know people who have gotten nasties with their corals.


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