Help with Gourami!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
I'm currently fighting ick in my 75 and today I notice a white grain spot on one of its eye ball is this ick or something else?
I would guess it is ich but not seeing ich obviously can't be positive. How are you treating for ich? Heat method?
I do have the heat going for 88 degrees, first it was a white spec but now it is like a haze layer covering his eye. btw will ick parasites die on there own with the heat method or do I need to medicate after?
You don't need to medicate for ich after. It sounds like your gourami has cloudy eye or the beginning of pop eye. That is often a symptom of water quality. I would do a larger water change and monitor your parameters. There are meds for cloudy eye but extra water changes might just do the trick. Keep an eye on the situation before you medicate IMO.
ok the grain is gone now it is just a cloudy eye, should i keep just monitoring or do i put in Q tank and med the feller
I agree with not using melafix with gourami's. I would do the extra water changes and see how it goes. You will be able to tell if the extra water changes are doing the trick rather easily and quickly.
hes still with his eye, it has change but still isnt normal, this upcoming monday will be my 2 weeks up of ick treatment with temp. do you think after this weekend if he has not gotten better to isolate in another tank and med him?
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