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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 7, 2013
Hi Everyone!

I'm still very new and learning the ins and outs of this forum - but I know in the past few months setting up my tank, I've always stumbled upon advice at this site. I'm hoping I can come here for helpful advice as I continue to add to my tank and hopefully upgrade to a bigger one!

A little about my tank:

I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank. Right now, living in the city this is all we have space for. I'm hoping to get a 50 gallon or 75 gallon depending on what space we have when we move in a year or two! (first time home buyers! eek!)

In my 20 gallon I have: 2 albino plecos, 2 neon tetras, 3 black neons, 3 black skirt tetras, and 2 Red Serpae tetras.

I also just got two live plants (which, this is my first time doing, and I absolutely love it!). I have about a 1watt/gal ratio (low, I know) but I've asked numerous sources and most people have said that with these plants, I should be fine. I also have a large gravel substrate, so I didn't want to get anything that needed me to completely change that out. I have two small amazon swords, and two clusters of cryptocoryne wendtii. I've heard (obviously after I had purchased and rooted) my amazon swords that they can grow to be quite large, but that's a bridge I'm willing to cross later on. Since I put in the plants, my fish literally stay on that side of the aquarium. (I'm planning on getting more, but wanted to see how these take first.) I'm new to the plant world, so any advice is greatly appreciated!

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