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Soon going to have a ten gallon on a desk (that I am still trying to find) for a nano fish tank, and a ten, hopefully twenty, FOWLR to reef tank when I get some big bucks.
I got a 75 community thats lightly planted, a 10 shrimp tank with rcs that I will hopefully sell someday and an empty 32 gallon which I don't know what to do with.
I have a 70g heavily planted community, a 17g lightly planted community, 10g with a Betta, 8g with a Betta, 2x 2.5g temporary Betta tanks (they are going in a divided 7-8g tank soon) and a 40g I got today for 3 adopted fancy goldfish.
Tank size depends on the fish. I have 12 tanks running, smallest is a 20 high and the largest is a 220. I set up and stock them so that each fish has plenty of free swimming space if they want/need it, but also have plenty of cover available.