how do i catch fish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
How do i catch fish? I have a fish net which is small. My fish are very tiny, like my guppies. How do I catch them to put in my other fish tank? do i need a bigger net?
How do i catch fish? I have a fish net which is small. My fish are very tiny, like my guppies. How do I catch them to put in my other fish tank? do i need a bigger net?
If you are good and quick, you can scoop them up into a clean cup or container if they are hanging at the surface. ( Just don't tell them you are coming for them. ;) ;) ) The easier way is to use 2 nets, 1 larger one and one smaller one. The larger 1 is the catch net and the smaller one is the guiding net. Place the large net in the tank preferably on the bottom and then use the smaller net to gently guide the fish into the large net. Once they are in the net, raise the net so that the fish cannot escape and remove it from the tank. The rest is just " rinse and repeat" until you have all the fish you want to move moved. Here is a video that shows it:
Because he is catching cichlids that can jump, he uses the second net to cover the caught fish. Since you are talking about Guppies, you shouldn't need to do this, just raise the net so the caught fish can't get out. (y)
You definitely gotta be quick and play the game a little with them. Sometimes it takes patience and more tries than you ever anticipated 😂
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