How to add Video to your post

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
I know I have seen a couple of people with a video link in their post. How do I add a video to my post? I tried as a test, and it said link avi not allowed.

I have video of my gourami....I want to show people!! I just hope I can.
Multimedia files like avi, mpg, wmv and mov are currently set to not be allowed given their size. Most videos will end up being fairly large (multiple megabytes) and the attach script runs more efficently with smaller file sizes plus it would be fairly easily to utilize a members upload quota on a single video.

Those that have included videos in their posts have done so by placing the video on their website and then linking you to that video by placing the URL of the video in their post.
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