ID cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 28, 2011
US, Ga
Was in assorted cichlid


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mfdrookie516 said:
It has been less than an hour, on a saturday night at that. You've got to be patient. Bumping is against the rules.

Sorry won't happen again! One of the things am bad at is being patient!
Hard to say, could u get a better pic? I know some yellow labs have that body shape but I'm unsure
There is a pic hope its better!!


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garfy said:
Looks like an albino zebra.i think a male too.

Great looked up pics looks like it!!! :D they are from lame Malawi so it's even better because they are compatible with my yellow labs! How to you tell gender ?
There are 3 pretty large egg spots on his anal fin.Thats not a guarantee because some females get them too but I think this particular fish is male.His behaviour will tell you more.If he shimmies in front of your females then you will know for sure :)
You can also tell by venting them it will tell you if it's truly male. You have to take the fish out and look right in front of the anal fin. If you see two little dots, it's a male. If you see a little and a big dot it's a female.
Cjm825 said:
You can also tell by venting them it will tell you if it's truly male. You have to take the fish out and look right in front of the anal fin. If you see two little dots, it's a male. If you see a little and a big dot it's a female.

So 2 little dots = male and 1little and 1 big spot is female.Thats very helpful thanks :)
Thank you all! I really like learning about him now !
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