Info on African dwarf frogs???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 15, 2011
USA ( Oregon) willamate valley
Ok before I buy some I'd like to know about them...
1. What kind of food do they need?
2. How warm does the water need to be?
3. Is a 10 gallon tank going to be big enough for a few?
4. What fish are compatable with a ten gallon tank plus a heater with the frogs?
5. Please give me more info in this forum! Thank you. All comments welcome!

I'm hoping the info provided will help more people than me! LOL
1. frozen or freeze dried bloodworms
live guppy fry any (live bearer)
frozen or freeze dried glassworms
frozen or freeze dried brineshrimp
hbh frog and tadpole bites
Frozen Beefheart
Frozen or Freeze dried krill or baby shrmp
Earthworms or nightcrawlers choped into small bite sized pieces
3.10 gallons big enough for 10 frogs(atleast a gallon for each frog and lots of hiding places)
4.tetras,livebearers,otto cats,sometimes bettas(better alone if together make sure the frogs get there food)
5.feed the frogs in a dish by soaking the food the using a turkey baster to pick up the food and put it in the food dish inside the tank
It's no prob ;) Some ppl do feed them that stuff but I advise against it.
I have 1 ADF in a 10 gal tank w/ black tetras, emerald corydoras, bumblebee catfish, snails, and chinese algae eater. He eats chopped up earth worms along w/ the rest of my fish but only at night, in the morning he gets froggy bites. I keep my tank at a neutral 78 degrees Fahrenheit with heater, filter, caves, plants, and driftwood. Caution ADFs have poor vision this may result in collisions with other fish, ADFs do shed but this is nothing to worry about, just make sure that air is easy to get to because they are air breathers.

Hope this helped and that you enjoy these little comedians as much as I do. :)

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