is proper temperature and effective filtration is responsible for oscars growth?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2012
i have a 78 g tank with 2 albino oscar. i hav a thermostat and a internal power filter along with a under gravel filter, i used to change 60% of water weekly. but my question here is that do i need much filtration for my buddies? how about hob filter? is proper and effective or over filtration is good for oscar's growth? is proper tempature is responsible for the same? thanx for all ur suggessions...
Good filtration is recommended to help collect waste. If you don't rinse the filter pads every week, then it breaks down and dissolves into the water. Water changes are great for keeping a good healthy environment. In addition to weekly water changes, give them proper food for growth.
i have a 78 g tank with 2 albino oscar. i hav a thermostat and a internal power filter along with a under gravel filter, i used to change 60% of water weekly. but my question here is that do i need much filtration for my buddies? how about hob filter? is proper and effective or over filtration is good for oscar's growth? is proper tempature is responsible for the same? thanx for all ur suggessions...

For an optimal setup, I would ditch the HOB/Undergravel filter ideas and go with a good canister filter (Eheim or Fluval Fx5). With larger Oscars, you'll probably never achieve "over filtration", but you want to strive for the best you can. I think 60% water changes weekly may or may not be appropriate depending on their size. it will become important as they get larger.

There are a lot of ideas on what enables rapid growth and I can't say I've tested them out personally. I do know that clean water (not just good filtration, but nitrate removal through PWC) and good feeding will be important factors. Obviously genetics and gender of the fish will also play a role.

How big are your two albino oscars? The 78 Gallon is fine the first year, but after that you might want to look into rehoming one of them or getting a larger tank.
Sorry guys for delay in reply. Well really thanx for ur valuable suggessions. They r about 5.5" inch in size. They love to eat live food than the pellets. I tried hikari bio gold plus,new life spectrum's cichlisoma formula.they take hikari but never touch the new life spectrum. Show interest in ghost shrimp and live blood worms.they eat them happily. Here in kolkata i've never seen a fluval canister filter. But still many gph I need for best result. 10x or more than that?
Ok...great...what bout proper temperature of water? Is that aspect is equally responsible for an oscar to grow fast?
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