Java moss

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 31, 2011
Hi just got a bag of java moss I've placed it on my driftwood and i know it will grow for sure- but I've also placed it on an ornsment boat and just gravel- will the moss b able to attach and grow there?

Ok even gravel? And is it a good plant to have?
If you leave it on the grave it will adhere to pieces of the gravel. lf you pulled it up a bunch of gravel pieces would come with it. It is a great plant, low light, low maintenance and a nutrient hog. It looks best tied to wood and rocks as it will grow nicely on them and look quite natural.
Also does java moss sofocate other plants? That is grow on them till they die?
Manbot said:
Also does java moss sofocate other plants? That is grow on them till they die?

It can just trim it back away from that plant
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